Краудфандинг акций, исследования и образование

Краудфандинг акций, исследования и образование

Исходный узел: 3070790

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This Is Not Just a Pen

A startup has built what it calls the world’s “most advanced pen.” Really? What exactly can it do? As it turns out, more than you could ever have imagined »

iPhone Survives 16,000-Foot Fall

In the ultimate unpaid product endorsement, the power and durability of an Apple iPhone was put to the test last week. Получить совок »

They Put Ads где?!

Ads at sporting events are nothing new. But finding new places to put them has become a challenge. Then, an NBA team came up with a unique idea »

Elvis is Back!

More than forty years after his death, one of music’s most revered legends will once again appear on stage. Find out how »

“They’re Cheap and They Don’t Snitch”

Criminals are always looking for new ways to smuggle drugs across borders. Now a high-flying tech gadget is helping them get it done. Выучить больше "


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