Vara WTL 2023 - Recapitulare Săptămâna 4/Previzualizare Săptămâna 5

Vara WTL 2023 – Recapitulare Săptămâna 4/Previzualizare Săptămâna 5

Nodul sursă: 2662031
de: Nakajin

WTL Summer kept bringing on the surprises in Week 3—or at least, the Starving Camels did. The underdog squad forced BASILISK all the way to an ace match, further establishing their wild card credentials. The other surprise of the week was PSISTORM's 2-4 loss to Platinum Heroes, which may have started a crisis for last season's 3rd place team. PSISTORM owner KJ a postat pe Twitter că urmează schimbările de listă, lăsându-ne destul de curioși cine vor fi întăririle.

Privind săptămâna 5, meciul marcator pare să fie Shopify vs Team Liquid. TL a avut performanțe bune de când a adăugat SKillous, dar a pierdut cu ușurință în cel mai dificil meci împotriva ONSYDE. O victorie împotriva Shopify ne-ar arăta că această echipă TL a crescut cu adevărat la nivel față de sezoanele precedente și poate rezista cu echipele din playoff.

Also, the Starving Camels are on upset watch again as they go up against ABYDOS. Perhaps ABYDOS didn't get the memo that SSLT are the most dangerous team in the league at the moment, deploying Mondo over NightMare or DRG. This gives the Camels a chance to force another ace match against a stronger opponent, or even get the win.

Săptămâna 4 Recapitulare

[încărcare de imagini]
Primele 7 echipe se califică în playoff.
Cele 2 ultimele echipe trebuie să se recalifice.

Punctele sunt acordate după cum urmează:
  • 3 puncte pentru o victorie dintr-o serie care nu necesită un meci de as
  • 2 puncte pentru o victorie într-o serie care necesită un meci as
  • 1 punct pentru o pierdere dintr-o serie care necesită o potrivire as
  • 0 puncte pentru o pierdere dintr-o serie care nu necesită un meci as
瘦死骆驼 (Starving Camels) 3 - 4 BAZILIC
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After some scheduling confusion, TooDming and Trigger opened the 4th week of WTL Summer (the Liquipedia graphic above lists the 'official' match order, but the actual match order was TooDming vs Firefly, Silky vs Serral, and then Firefly vs Reynor).

Things were seemingly benign for the Protoss player going through his build progression in game one, but only because he didn't realize the impending danger. Trigger only found out about TooDming's Roach-Bane all-in when it already reached the middle point of the map, and he ended up losing his vulnerable third base after panic-warping units behind some defensive sim city. Despite this, Trigger still had a card to play by hunkering down on defense and playing for a longer game, but he misread ToodMing's intentions once again. Trigger stepped out onto the map just as TooDming was getting ready for a second wave of attacks, which meant he ended up walking headfirst to his doom.

Looking to keep up his momentum, TooDming followed with a good old Queen-Nydus all-in on Altitude. Had his Nydus Worm been spotted a second earlier, his initial attempt in the main may not have worked, but luckily for him, hypotheticals don't go on the scorecard. TooDming took the 2-0 and put the Camels in a fantastic starting position. (By the way, just so everyone remembers they’re old, Trigger said in a post-match interview that he didn’t even know who TooDming was. Still, you figure SOMEONE who watches the WTL should have told him TooDming is one of the cheesier players.)

After stunning Shopify's ByuN with a 1-1 last week, Silky didn’t come close to delivering SSLT the needed upset this week against Serral (although we did get to see a pretty quirky Muta-into-Lurker build). Serral took the 2-0, leaving it to Reynor and Firefly to break the tie.

If one could frame a game of StarCraft and hang it like a painting, Firefly's game one against Reynor deserves a prime spot on his wall. After showing air-tight defense against Reynor's infamously slippery Lings, Firefly also pulled off a near-perfect hold against the committed Roach-Ravager-Bane-Queen attack off of cour bases. That left Firefly with four Colossus and a huge army, which he used to shove the Zerg's head under water and keep it there. For the second week in a row, Firefly had the opportunity to close a match with PvZ on Dragon scales. He chose a similar idea as last week's match versus Lambo, going for a Stargate into a greedy quick fourth with double-robo Colossus behind it. Despite his build being a bit safer than last week, Firefly could not psych out Reynor the same way he did to Lambo. Reynor's mass Roach hit while Firefly was still weak, cutting through him like a hot knife through butter.

Cu Serral nefiind unul care să stea între un bărbat și ego-ul său, l-am văzut pe Reynor aliniat pentru meciul de as pentru a decide BO3 împotriva lui Firefly. Reynor a ales încă o dată agresivitatea cu hărțuirea prin picătură Roach-Ravager-Queen, care a fost din nou apărat de Firefly - de data aceasta prin controlul Blink-Stalker care mușcă unghiile. Camels ar putea probabil să guste victoria pentru o secundă, dar Firefly s-a lăsat dus în urmărire, făcându-l să-și piardă o mulțime de Stalkers pentru nimic. Odată cu încetinirea jocului, Reynor și-a arătat abilitatea sa neobișnuită de a juca din spate, creându-și o deschidere cu o picătură Ling în principalul Protoss, în timp ce a împins al patrulea cu armata sa Roach-Ravager. Acea mișcare a cauzat daune economice majore, ceea ce i-a permis să se conecteze în siguranță cu Vipers și să câștige jocul în mod curat.

Overall, SSLT followed their eye-opening performance versus Shopify last week with another surprising showing, highlighted by Firefly's performance. The #7 seed and a playoff berth seems very much in play for SSLT, and taking a single point against Basilisk may end up being hugely valuable. As for Basilisk, dropping a point is far from the end of the world, but the #1 seed might become an unrealistic goal if ONSYDE continues to dominate and collect full points.

Berserker eSports 1 - 5 ABYDOS
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Două fețe cunoscute au condus atacul pentru Berserker, deși în cele din urmă a fost o încărcare spre înfrângere. În primul rând, Spatz a jucat un PvP respectabil de strâns împotriva lui Creator înainte de a renunța cu 0-2. #3 Finlandezul Zerg Mixu aproape că a furat o egalitate împotriva lui Cure, în timp ce baza lui Queen-Ling-Nydus a făcut schimb de timp împotriva Hellbat-Marauder în jocul doi. Cure a gestionat însă mult mai bine situația haotică și a cucerit scorul de 2-0.

Continuing their rather endearing commitment to giving everyone a chance to play in the WTL, Berserker sent out their 8th different player of the season in TeebuL in the final match. The former DHM Oceania champion salvaged a point for Berserker in the very last game, thanks to every Plat-2 player's favorite build ‘’nothing into DT’’.

Team Liquid 5 - 1 Starlight Twinkle
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Spirit and SKillous clashed in their 63rd match against each other, this time with their teams' success in the balance as well. SKillous took game one, absorbing a lot of damage and surviving some scary moments before prevailing with his Colossus-Gateway army. Looking to get the 2-0, SKillous went for a two-base Blink attack in game two. However, a bit of anti-micro saw him lose his Prism during his first attack, and he had to content himself with a 1-1 tie.

Clem did not give an inch to Nice in our second BO2 of the night. On Gresvan, Clem denied any scouting by the Protoss and surprised him with a three-rax attack for the win. Things were looking more promising for Nice on Royal Blood, with his good defense against a Mine drop giving him a shot at winning with Glaive Adept + Phoenix all-in. However, Clem seemed to sense something and stayed on mass Widow Mines, and blasted Nice's army to smithereens.

The final match opened with Cham trying to be the aggressor in the Ling-Bane phase, but he couldn’t find any holes in Elazer defense. That strong initial Ling-Bane control proved decisive as Cham's follow-up Roach attack off of 45 Drones fell just short of breaking his opponent. It was then Elazer's turn to go on the offensive in game two, and he found much more success with a similar Roach-Ling attack on 45 Drones.

Overall, it was a strong showing for TL, who are looking more and more like a safe pick to make the playoffs. As for SLT, they're running out of 'winnable' matches, and a playoff spot could be out of their grasp unless they activate SSLT mode.

ONSYDE Gaming 6 - 0 Shopify Rebellion
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ONSYDE și-a păstrat recordul perfect pentru sezon, doborând Shopify cu 6-0 pentru a îmbunătăți diferența de hărți de monstru +20.

Maru improved to 8-0 on the season with a 2-0 against Scarlett in the opener. Taking advantage of Altitude in game one, Maru busted out a battlemech composition to start. While Scarlett didn't get totally bullied, she wasn't able to impede Maru's ghost-mech transition at all, and eventually tapped out to a pre-Brood Lord timing. Game 2 was a weirdly impressive display from Scarlett, where she managed to keep things close for a while despite two absolutely boneheaded moments: losing a full hatch to three Reapers, and trading about 30 Banes for two tanks. Could she have stolen the tie otherwise? Perhaps—but as mentioned above, WTL doesn't deal in hypotheticals.

Solar and Lambo played a gentlemanly match on Gresvan to start, mirroring builds for much of the early/mid-game. Both players went for Overlord drop harass as well, but Lambo added Tunneling Claws on top of that. It seemed like the German Zerg got the better of the exchange by taking out 15 Drones, but Solar's decisiveness on the counterattack paid off. Possessing a temporarily higher Roach count, he secured a great fighting position outside of Lambo's fourth base and forced a fight that was enough to win him the game. In game two, Lambo once again found himself in an advantageous position, this time sniping Solar's third base with his early Ling pressure. But despite being a base down and on the same Drone count, Solar somehow not only kept up with Lambo's economy but actually overtook it. He expertly slipped in just a few more Drones into his army mix without exposing himself on defense. Solar then went on to defend Lambo’s Roach-Ling push, and from there rode his advantage to victory.

Ryung has yet to play a match that actually affects the outcome for ONSYDE, but he continued his quietly excellent campaign with a 2-0 over ByuN. The old fox out-positioned ByuN in two back-to-back marine-tank TvT's, completing the sweep for ONSYDE.

Invictus Gaming 1 - 5 Dragon KaiZi Gaming
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A fost o altă pierdere previzibilă pentru iG, care sunt foarte tensionați de un program brutal devreme. herO a realizat o construcție destul de interesantă în jocul 1 vs Macsed, mergând pentru un timp la mijlocul jocului cu Glaives târziu după o deschidere DT. A fost la fel de interesant – BreakingGG vs Oliveira a durat mult, dar nu a fost niciodată deosebit de aproape, iar XY vs Dark a fost, de asemenea, unilateral, așa cum era de așteptat.Platinum Heroes 4 - 2 PSISTORM Gaming
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După o serie dură de jocuri în primele trei săptămâni, PSISTORM căuta să obțină primele puncte ale sezonului împotriva Platinum Heroes.

DnS’s faked an Oracle against SpeCial's Reaper scout in game one, and the mind game was perhaps the reason why SpeCial marched a Cyclone, four naked Marines, and a Medivac across the map. There, he was welcomed by a couple of Stalkers and Phoenix that cleaned up the push. SpeCial doubled down on aggression, but that only deepened the hole he had dug for himself, and the game ended in a loss. DnS's early game success continued in game two, getting the build order-win with a proxy-Gate opening versus a Reaper-expand. After dealing disastrous early damage to the Terran, DnS held off a one-base all-in from SpeCial (which did look threatening at moments), to give his team an unexpected 2-0 lead.

That gave Goblin an opportunity to close out the series with a good PvP performance against Gerald. It started well for Goblin, as Gerald panicked when he couldn’t find his opponent's hidden second Pylon and played overly defensive in game one. After figuring out he was safe Gerald tried to move out with Immortals, but Goblin chose that moment to Blink into the main, forcing a frustrated Gerald to turn back after losing a bunch of Probes. The PSISTORM Protoss tried to go for some sort of last-ditch Disruptor play, but Goblin finished the game before they could reach critical mass.

A visibly distraught Gerald had the weight of his team on his shoulders and opened game two very safely against any possible threats from his opponent. The game progressed into a similar Robo vs Blink scenario as game 1, with Goblin gearing up for a two-base killing blow while Gerald transitioned to Disruptors. Gerald put up a valiant effort on defense, but he couldn't stop Goblin's all-in attack and had to sign off on another loss for PSISTORM with his GG.

MaxPax's 2-0 over ShaDoWn came too late to change the result. All in all, it was a great result for PH and a ponderous loss for PSISTORM.

I said after last week's 2-4 defeat at the hands of ABYDOS that it was not yet time for PSISTORM to press the panic button. However, we have passed that threshold and the button has been vigorously pressed.

While we wait to see what roster changes are coming, it should be noted that there's a waiting period for new signees to become eligible to play in the WTL. The current roster needs to hold the fort until the reinforcements are allowed to play, so there should be plenty of more stressful matches ahead for PSISTORM.

MVP săptămânal: (wiki)PH.DnS

In a week full of one-sided matches, it was hard to pinpoint our ace. Reynor did manage an ace win, but considering he was a heavy favorite going into his match, it would be wrong to crown him. Conversely, Firefly did steal the best 1-1 tie of the week against Reynor, but he can't be MVP with an overall negative 1-2 record.

Elazer and Goblin put in valuable 2-0 performances for their teams, but I think another 2-0 winner had the bigger impact: Platinum Heroes' DnS. The Frenchman's 2-0 victory over SpeCial, who is ostensibly PSISTORM's second best player, was the main reason PH managed to prevail. While PSISTORM's losing streak might be what stands out first, it was also a crucial win for the Heroes that put them a step ahead of Berserker and IG in avoiding relegation.

MVP săptămânal:

  • Săptămâna 4. PH.DnS
  • Săptămâna 3: Toată lumea pe SSLT/瘦死骆驼/Starving Camels
  • Săptămâna 2: ABYDOS.Cure
  • Săptămâna 1: BASILISK.Serral

Previzualizare: Sezonul obișnuit săptămâna 5

Vineri, 19 mai, ora 12:00 GMT (GMT+00:00) Meciuri

ONSYDE Gaming vs Starlight Twinkle

ONSYDE pare să-și continue sezonul perfect împotriva unei echipe Starlight Twinkle care are un drum dificil în față.

Maru will be headed into his match with Nice just two days after the GSL RO4/Finals—Nice's only chance is if Maru is afflicted by a celebratory hangover or is in a catatonic despair state.

Spirit are o confruntare mult mai bună cu Solar. Cei doi jucători sunt 50/50 unul împotriva celuilalt de la începutul anului, iar Spirit joacă cel mai bun SC2 al carierei sale. Spirit încă nu a renunțat la un 0-2 în acest sezon, în timp ce Solar nu a lăsat nici măcar o hartă. Cu una dintre aceste siruri forțată să se încheie vineri, mă înclin spre Spirit să ia scorul de 1-1, dar ar fi o declarație puternică dacă Solar ar putea rămâne impecabil.

If Spirit does in fact take a map (or two), Ryung will have to play his first consequential match of the season against Cham. It's not the best match-up for him to draw, as TvZ has been his weakest match-up since his return from military service. Also, with the GOMTvT going on at the AfreecaTV studio, we can bet that he has probably spent the last week practicing the match-up with Maru rather than preparing for the WTL.

Cele câteva bănuieli ale unui compus supărat vor deveni ceva real? Îndoielnic – ONSYDE a fost stelar în a închide persoanele defavorizate.

Predicție: ONSYDE Gaming 5 - 1 Starlight Twinkle

Invictus Gaming vs PSISTOR Gaming

Un sentiment inconfortabil de groază va fi în jurul celui de-al doilea meci. Acest meci împotriva IG ar trebui să fie locul în care PSISTORM oprește spirala lor descendentă. Ei sunt favorizați în toate cele trei meciuri și au o victorie de as aproape garantată dacă ajunge cumva acolo, dar există o îngrijorare persistentă că lucrurile ar putea merge groaznic de rău dacă lasă presiunea să ajungă la ei. Dacă PSISTORM poate suprima nervii pe care i-au manifestat săptămâna trecută și își poate juca propriul joc, ar trebui să poată începe revenirea.

Predictii: Invictus Gaming 1 - 5 PSISTORM Jocuri

Sâmbătă, 20 mai, ora 12:00 GMT (GMT+00:00) Meciuri

瘦死骆驼 (Camele înfometate) vs ABYDOS

Primim prima apariție a lui Mondo în Code S! În mod surprinzător, nu va fi Cure să primească o zi liberă după finala XNUMX Code S, ci mai degrabă Nightmare/DRG care sunt pe bancă.

În mod ironic, după supraperformanțe consecutive ale Camels, cred că nu vor putea profita de această lovitură de noroc. Nu mă înțelege greșit, există încă șanse decente ca Silky sau Cyan să treacă ceva pe lângă adversarii lor. Dar, având în vedere că Creator joacă un PvZ al naibii de bun în acest moment și Cure fiind poate cel mai bun jucător TvP din lume, ABYDOS ar trebui să reziste săptămâna aceasta să aibă o legătură slabă.

Un meci as între Cure și Firefly ar fi totuși un răsfăț...

Predictii: Starving Camels 2 - 4 Abydos

Platinum Heroes vs Dragon KaiZi Gaming

Platinum Heroes' bottomless roster strikes again, this time with HateMe and ArT making their season debut (they were mainstays in previous Heroes campaigns in the WTL). There probably won't be any fanfare for their arrival, considering DKZ are 5 to 1 favorites or better in all three matches according to Aligulac, but it’s still nice seeing the team's veterans getting a chance to play again.

Predictii: Platinum Heroes 0 - 6 DKZ Gaming

Duminică, 21 mai, ora 12:00 GMT (GMT+00:00) Meciuri

Berserker eSports vs BASILISK

O echipă de top 2 în ligă împotriva unei echipe de 2 de jos din ligă în joc ar trebui să fie o afacere încheiată, dar am putea obține niște divertisment util. Evident, nu va veni de la Serral, care va trece cu ușurință la un record de 11-0, dar Spatz îl poate privi pe Trigger ca pe cineva pe care îl poate supăra într-o zi bună.

If Spatz gets the 1-1, that could raise Rotti's stress level going into Reynor's match. Since the last WTL season, Reynor has won only two out of his fifteen regular season matches (the same as MacSed). Now I’m not saying the youngest player with $500,000 in career earnings is cursed in the WTL… …but I’m also not saying he’s NOT cursed. So, here’s to hoping he somehow breaks his 1-1 streak with a LOSS to PAPI to make this narrative as funny as possible.

Predictii: Berserker eSport 1 - 5 BAZILIC

TeamLiquid vs Shopify Rebellion

În timp ce TL și Shopify au arătat deseori la fel de puternice pe hârtie, Rebellion a supraperformat în mod constant în WTL, în timp ce băieții în albastru au dezamăgit adesea. Cu toate acestea, TL ar putea întoarce situația în acest sezon, mai ales dacă poate învinge Shopify direct.

SKillous opens the match against the opposing team's ace Terran once more, and will again be looking to get a 1-1 for his team. However, ByuN is even scarier than Spirit, and the maybe-new-GSL-champion should be a favorite to get the 2-0 victory.

Clem's reputation as an unbeatable TvZ player has taken some hits over the years, especially when he's played against Korea's best players. However, a closer examination of the match-up shows that in the last year, he has lost exactly one TvZ against foreigners not named Serral or Reynor. Amusingly enough, Lambo is the foreign Zerg who managed to snatch that one win, but it's buried under a mountain of many more losses to the Liquid ace. I’m ready to give this match to Clem.

Elazer and Harstem have played 40 matches and 104 games against each other in their careers, and in that span, Elazer leads by a 2:1 ratio in games (76-38). Incidentally, that's the chance Aligulac gives Elazer to win a BO3, with the statistics website predicting a 2-1 as the most likely outcome. A 2-1 needs to be a 1-1 before that, so by that logic, I’ll say Harstem manages to take the tie and force the ace match.

If that scenario comes to pass, it will be interesting to see who gets TL's vote of confidence to face Shopify's likely ace in ByuN. Clem has lost to ByuN in previous ace matches, but Elazer and SKillous aren't exactly great alternatives against a player of ByuN's caliber. Whatever choice Liquid makes, ByuN is the favorite to close it out.

Predictii: Team Liquid 3 - 4 Rebeliunea Shopify


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