Ucraina anulează Airdrop istoric pentru a ajuta cetățenii aflați în conflict și optează pentru NFT

Nodul sursă: 1196503

No sooner had the Ukrainian government unveiled an unprecedented airdrop to fund aid for its embattled citizens than the plan was scrapped in favor of utilizing NFTs to raise much-needed cash.

In a tweet Thursday, Mykhailo Fedorov, the vice minister of Ukraine, said the airdrop was cancelled. “Every day there are more and more people willing to help Ukraine to fight back the aggression,” he said. “Instead, we will announce NFTs to support Ukrainian Armed Forces soon. We DO NOT HAVE any plans to issue any fungible tokens.”

The about face comes as a number of blockchain-based projects are scrambling to use cryptocurrencies and applications to speed aid to Ukrainians besieged by the Russian invasion ordered by President Vladimir Putin last week. Polkadot and Tron have jockeyed to get Ukrainian leaders to accept their tokens as aid. A project called UkraineDAO rapidly raised $7M as part of the effort.

UkraineDAO strânge 7 milioane de dolari și construiește o rețea globală de susținători, spune cofondatorul Alona

CoinDesk A raportat că the airdrop may have been spoofed before its launch.


When the Ukrainian government announced the airdrop, Tron founder Justin Sun was chastised for tweets complaining about his project’s exclusion.

Crypto Twitter a fost rapid pe scena.

35 milioane USD strânși

Ucraina a început acceptând donații de criptomonede pe 26 februarie și a crescut peste $ 35M pana acum. Știrile despre airdrop au declanșat un nou val de donații, potrivit a Tabloul de bord Dune Analytics.

Deși rămâne neclar ce formă va lua un potențial airdrop sau care va fi scopul său, anunțul pare să fi mobilizat donații și să fi sensibilizat campania.

Instantaneul pentru airdrop va fi făcut la 4:3 UTC pe XNUMX martie.

Adresele oficiale de donații pot fi găsite mai jos:

Bitcoin: 357a3So9CbsNfBBgFYACGvxxS6tMaDoa1P

Ethereum: 0x165CD37b4C644C2921454429E7F9358d18A45e14

Buline: 1x8aa2N2Ar9SQweJv9vsuZn3WYDHu7gMQu1RePjZuBe33Hv

Tron USDT: TEFccmfQ38cZS1DTZVhsxKVDckA8Y6VfCy 

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