Cum să dantelă Doc Martens

Cum să dantelă Doc Martens

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Dr. Martens, known affectionately as Doc Martens, are an essential addition to any shoe collection. Yet, mastering the art of lacing them can be a bit tricky if you’re unfamiliar with the proper techniques.

Thankfully, we’ve put together a detailed, step-by-step guide to assist you in lacing your Dr. Martens using the classic “Classic Cross Lace” method. Additionally, we’ll explore alternative techniques to help you find a style that aligns with your personal taste.

Although these methods may seem similar to the approaches found in our guides to lacing Air Force 1s, Nike Dunks, Și chiar Jordani, there are a few subtle differences to be aware of in order to achieve a secure fit and clean finish when it comes to a pair of boots.

So, whether you own a classic pair of Anii 1460, or rock a pair of the 1461 low-tops, our guide should have you tying them up in no time.

Cum să dantelă Doc Martens

As mentioned, the following method is described by Dr. Martens as the “Classic Cross Lace” technique, which, as the name suggests, is one of the most common ways of lacing a pair of the brands’ shoes or boots.

Although we’ll be focusing primarily on high-top Doc Marten boots, the technique will also work on a pair of the 1461 Lows, you’d simply finish the lacing process a little earlier. That being said, let’s dive in…

Pasul 1: Thread two equally long laces through the bottom two eyelets, starting from the outside and going inwards. This will create a horizontal bar across the first row.

Pasul 2: Overlap the two ends of your shoelace across the middle and insert the aglets through the following set of eyelets, starting from the inside.

Pasul 3: Repeat this step until you reach the top two eyelets.

Sfat: Make sure you tighten and keep your laces flat as you go. We’d also recommend checking both lengths are even periodically as you work your way up.

How to lace Doc Martens - Dr. Martens boots being laced with rainbow laces.

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Credit: Dr. Martens

Credit: Dr. Martens

Credit: Dr. Martens

Credit: Dr. Martens

The straight bar technique is one we’ve covered in our guide to lacing Converse shoes. Thankfully, a similar method applies to Doc Martens.

How to lace Doc Martens - Dr. Martens shoe being laced using the straight bar lacing technique.

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Simply thread the two ends through the bottom two eyelets, then take the left aglet and feed it through the third eyelet up on the right before threading it through the opposite eyelet over the top to create a horizontal bar.

The bow tie lace

Begin with two even lengths threaded through the bottom two eyelets then run a vertical lace up the inside of the boot on either side.

To create the bows, alternate between crossing the lace over as you go up the eyelets, then run a straight vertical lace up the inside to the next set of eyelets.

How to lace Doc Martens - Dr. Martens boot being laced using the bow lacing technique.

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To check you’ve done it right, there should be a one-eyelet gap between each of your bows, plus your laces should go from inside to out at the top.


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