Dragă SaaStr: Ce face un CTO rău?

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Dragă SaaStr: Ce face un CTO rău?

Deși nu există o definiție legală pentru CTO 🙂 sau o linie strălucitoare între CTO și VPE, aș sugera că un CTO start-up trebuie să facă doar câteva lucruri - care sunt foarte dificile:

  • Adunați o echipă mică (3–9) de ingineri foarte buni
  • Sunt super agile
  • That can ship a lot of very functional, very clever code that supports early, very rapid growth (from a very small base); and
  • That can react and positively respond to a whole ton of issues, from downtime, to security, to API issues, and so much more.  That often were never anticipated and aren’t part of the job spec.

So … a “bad” CTO is one that can’t recruit a strong “pizza box” team. A bad CTO is an OK engineer him or herself but can’t get 3 other great engineers to join him/her.

A “bad” CTO isn’t agile enough, and can’t push out quick releases and features to save big deals, fix terrible bugs, etc. A “bad” CTO sometimes wants to do this, but just isn’t good enough. Or a “bad” CTO is a bit too unmotivated / whatever to do what it takes to keep up.

A “bad” CTO doesn’t care about growing very, very quickly. So much changes once you have your first few customers. It’s exciting — but also tiring and very stressful. A great CTO embraces this change, participates actively in it, and drives it. A bad CTO resists the change that come with scaling the early customer base.

A “bad” CTO doesn’t think it’s their problem when things have to change, a lot.  When the customer base changes. When the product ends up having to go in a very different direction than everyone thought at first.

This skillset is critical but then later … but a lot of it does not scale. The skills it takes to build a clever hack with a small team, and iterate that hack very rapidly to respond to customer and market needs … are not the same skills it takes to scale from 10–100 engineers. To refactor the codebase. To ship truly enterprise-grade software. To walk into a room full of CIOs and instill confidence.

Uneori, CTO-urile pot deveni adevărați VP de Inginerie. Dar de obicei, ei nu vor. Ei doresc ca compania să aducă un manager adevărat care să extindă echipa dincolo de 1-2 cutii de pizza. În timp ce CTO se poate concentra pe a face lucruri super agile, de generația următoare.

In SaaS, plan to recruit a true VP of Engineering around $5m-$8m in ARR. You’ll need her by then.  They can take over the routine stuff.  Once you transition into a phase where more of it is … routine.

(note: an update of a classic SaaStr answer)


And for an example of a great startup CTO, here is one:

Publicat în ianuarie 19, 2022

Source: https://www.saastr.com/makes-bad-cto/


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