Avalanșă: Crypto și Layer-1 Blockchain

Avalanșă: Crypto și Layer-1 Blockchain

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Avalanşă cripto network is a powerful Layer-1(L1) platforma blockchain with a diverse and colorful ecosistem. Rețea avalanșă aims to disrupt the competitive L1 race and provide a low-cost alternative to leading platforme de contract inteligente ca Ethereum și suntrap.

Powered by its unique infrastructure and its simbol nativ, AVAX, Rețea avalanșă is scalable and secure. Avalanşă takes advantage of multiple different blockchains și subrețele to limit network congestion. If you’ve used the Blockchain de avalanșă before, chances are you were impressed by its minimal taxe de tranzactie, speed, and diversity of dApps.

Avalanşă has already established itself as a home for finanțare descentralizată, NFT-uri, și cripto gaming. In fact, due to its performance and popularity as a smart contract platform, multe cripto enthusiasts consider Avalanşă to be an ‘Ethereum Killer.’

După parteneriat cu Amazon, Avalanşă cripto community claims that AVAX este mai mult urcarea than ever. In this guide, we’ll strap on our snowboots and ask the big questions:

What is Avalanche, and why is AVAX a cryptocurrency merita vazut?

Rețeaua Avalanche’s story begins back in 2018 with the founding of Laboratoarele Ava. Laboratoarele Ava aimed to engineer an innovative and scalable blockchain, capable of high transaction debit și joasă taxe de tranzactie.

Laboratoarele Ava este condus de Emin Gun Sirer, an associate professor at Cornell University. Gün Sirer is best known for his work in computer networking and engineering peer-to-peer systems. He was also an early contributor to developing Bitcoin soluții de scalare.

With the vision of revolutionizing the DEFI landscape and providing a powerful platformă de contract inteligent, Rețea avalanșă was born. The Laboratoarele Ava team showed promise to institutional investors, successfully raising over $50M USD before launching the Avalanche Mainnet on September 21, 2020.

Rețeaua Avalanche remained relatively quiet for the first few months of its lifespan before enjoying a strong influx of DEFI și cryptocurrency users in the fourth quarter of 2021. This was mainly due to high volumul tranzacțiilor și Preț AVAX reaching its tot timpul ridicat ($146) in November 2021. At its peak, AVAX a avut o plafonul de piață of over $40B.

Despite a decline in Pretul AVAX, Rețea avalanșă remains a popular choice for both users and developers, hosting hundreds of dApps and deep on-chain lichiditate and usage metrics.

Rețea avalanșă este alimentat de un Dovada-de-stake (Poz) mecanism de consens, similar cu Cardano blockchain. Without going into too much detail, network validatoare are randomly selected to process transactions and produce new blocks based on their staked Jetoane AVAX

Altele mecanisme de consens, cum ar fi Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work (PoW) model, use considerably more energy to power and secure the network. This makes Avalanşă a far more energy-efficient blockchain than its PoW competitors.

Its unique infrastructure distinguishes the Avalanche network from other Layer-1 smart contract platforms. What many cryptocurrency investors don’t know about AVAX est que le Rețea avalanșă is composed of three separate blockchains. These independent blockchains each serve different purposes while maintaining interoperabilitate.

Avalanche Contract Chain (AVAX C-Chain)

pod Avalanşă DEFI users are familiar with the Avalanşă C-lanț. AVAX Contract Chain supports contract inteligent deployment and hosts the rețea blockchain'S dApps și NFT-uri. This chain is also called the execution layer.

Avalanşă C-Lanț uses an EVM, or Ethereum Virtual Machine. This convenient technology allows developers to port over existing Ethereum dApps and deploy them on the Rețeaua Avalanche. It also provides a familiar environment and user interface for cripto enthusiasts with Ethereum experience.

Avalanche Exchange Chain (AVAX X-Chain)

După cum sugerează și numele, Avalanşă X-Lanț handles simple blockchain transactions, like sending and receiving Jetoane AVAX. This is the sole responsibility of the X-Lanț.

Keeping basic exchange transactions to a dedicated blockchain helps to reduce network congestion significantly and facilitates faster debit și low-cost transactions for users on a larger scale.

Avalanche Platform Chain (AVAX P-Chain)

I don’t blame you if you’ve never heard of the Avalanche Platform Chain, or P-Lanț. AVAX P-Chain is reserved for validatoare și nod operatorii din Ecosistem de avalanșă.

Ecosistem de avalanșă is home to many decentralized apps, NFT colecții, și blockchain-based gaming platforms and subrețele. Nu trebuie confundat cu validator noduri or one of the primary network blockchains menționat mai sus, Avalanşă subrețele are a bit like private blockchains pe Rețea avalanșă.

To avoid potential congestion issues on the AVAX C-Lanț, Unele Avalanşă validatoare can operate their own subrețele. Acest lucru este deosebit de util pentru Avalanşă cripto game developers like Crabada or CrystalVale.

Finanțe descentralizate is widespread on the Rețea avalanșă, with plenty of AVAX-nativ dApps ca Pangolin, TraderJoe, and Platypus Finance providing services and use cases pentru Jetoane AVAX. Several larger, multichain protocols, such as AAVE and GMX, have also made their platforms compatible with the Blockchain de avalanșă.

AVAX este simbol nativ dintre cele mai largi Ecosistem de avalanșă and serves a variety of use cases. It’s used to pay taxe de tranzactie on the network and is the currency of exchange for trading AVAX NFT-uri.

In the spirit of decentralization, the Jeton AVAX is also used to vote on crucial governance proposals that help shape the ongoing development of the Ecosistem de avalanșă. This gives investors greater influence on the future of the Rețea avalanșă and helps the community settle upgrade decisions democratically. 

In timp ce AVAX si Rețea avalanșă have been proven a high-performing and desirable blockchain for users and institutions alike, there are some lingering concerns about its tokenomics.

There is a large discrepancy between the Jeton AVAX'S circulaţie and total supply. The vesting schedule indicates that there are still plenty of tokens being distributed to early buyers, who bought into the Ecosistem Avalanche at much lower prices than most retail investors.

With institutional Web2 brands like Amazon alegere Avalanşă as their base of operations, the blockchain is expected to receive an influx of users and adoption in the future. 

Avalanşă cripto network is one of the top L1 ecosisteme in the industry. Understanding how the Blockchain de avalanșă works are essential, whether you’re exploring finanțare descentralizată și NFT-uri on AVAX or building powerful solutions for modern businesses. 

Where Can I Buy Avalanche?

Poti cumpără Avalanșă (AVAX) on most leading centralized exchanges. These include popular sites like Binance și Coinbase.

How Fast is Avalanche?

Potrivit oficialului Avalanşă site-ul, Rețeaua Avalanche can achieve a transaction debit of over 4,500 per second (TPS).

This is significantly faster than legacy blockchains ca Bitcoin și Ethereum, which manage seven and 14 TPS, respectively.

What Can I Do with AVAX tokens?

AVAX este simbol nativ a Blockchain de avalanșă. Acest cryptocurrency poate plăti taxe de tranzactie pe Rețea avalanșă, interact with Daplicații, and vote in Avalanşă governance proposals.

Este AVAX o investiție bună?

Cel mai mult cryptocurrencies și active digitale, Pretul AVAX is unpredictable and subject to unexpected movements. We recommend you always conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions and never invest more than you can afford to lose. 

What Are Some Similar Blockchain Platforms to Avalanche?

Altele smart contract-capable L1 rețele blockchain ca Ethereum (ETH), Buline (PUNCT), si BNB Chain are similar to the Rețeaua Avalanche.

What Will Happen to AVAX Price in the Future?

As is typical among cryptocurrencies, Preț AVAX often moves closely with Bitcoin (BTC). It’s also important to remember that no one knows what could happen in the cripto market, so Preț AVAX predictions and forecasts you see online may be unreliable.


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