Un interviu cu fondatorul John Paller, EthDenver și Opolis

Un interviu cu fondatorul John Paller, EthDenver și Opolis

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Welcome back to another podcast episode! Today's discussion is all about John Paller and how he founded EthDenver and Opolis.

EthDenver is the largest Web3 and Ethereum-based festival in the world, and its founder and executive steward is John Paller, a blockchain entrepreneur, innovator, and futurist located in Denver. Additionally, he is the Founder and Executive Steward of Opolis, which is a Digital Employment Cooperative for freelancers and independent contractors and is changing the future of work.

The vision of a more global employment framework gave birth to Opolis. This framework inspired the creation of a system that brings powerful tools and infrastructure to independent workers so that they can design their work-life in a way that is conducive to their individual preferences regarding how they want to live their lives.

ETHDenver is the largest Web3 #BUIDLathon globally (also known as a hackathon) for those interested in Ethereum and other blockchain protocols and who design and develop software for them.

Fără alte prelungiri, hai să intrăm în asta!

Check out the Youtube video of this interview here: https://youtu.be/zcwfV55U-6Y

Note complete de prezentare la: https://newtocrypto.io/podcast/john-paller-founder-ethdenver-and-opolis/


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Brave a fost co-fondat de Brendan Eich și Brian Bondy. Brendan Eich este creatorul Javascript și a fost co-fondator al Mozilla Firefox.
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