As razões por trás da paralisação do Bitcoin em 28K

As razões por trás da paralisação do Bitcoin em 28K

Nó Fonte: 2659904
  1. A mass liquidation of Bitcoin holdings after May 2, 2023, has led to Bitcoin’s stagnation at the 28K level.
  2. Such mass liquidations can occur due to margin calls or investor panic in volatile markets.
  3. Whether this stagnation is a temporary pause or indicative of a long-term downtrend remains to be seen.

In recent weeks, observers have noted that Bitcoin has been stuck at the 28K level, with many wondering what’s causing this standstill. The key may lie in the events following May 2, 2023.

Post May 2, 2023, we see a marked downturn on the chart, suggestive of a mass liquidation of assets by a particular cohort of investors. This vast liquidation of Bitcoin holdings has put a significant downward pressure on its price, causing it to stagnate at around 28K.


Mass liquidations often occur due to margin calls or investor panic in volatile markets. If the Bitcoin holders in question had leveraged positions, a decline in the Bitcoin price could have triggered an avalanche of automatic sell orders, further pushing down the price.

While such stagnations can be unnerving, they are not unprecedented in the history of Bitcoin. Despite its reputation as a volatile asset, Bitcoin has seen similar periods of relative inactivity in the past.

Ultimately, the question for investors is whether this is a temporary pause before another rise, or if it’s indicative of a longer-term downtrend. In either case, understanding the factors behind Bitcoin’s current position is key to making informed decisions.

Tags: Bitcoin

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