Instant Frame – Modificando uma câmera instantânea #piday #raspberrypi

Instant Frame – Modificando uma câmera instantânea #piday #raspberrypi

Nó Fonte: 2803687

Both 558x496

Maker Max van Leeuwen upgraded this old Polaroid to make it more instant. With the aid of a Raspberry Pi the camera now sends the image to an ePaper frame. Part of the charm of this project is that every new picture replaces the last; capturing moments but not saved forever.

This frame can be placed anywhere on the planet –
as long there is Wi-Fi, it will show the latest photo!

The display is an e-paper screen, so it doesn’t emit any light.

This, combined with the granularity of the dots, makes it look a lot like real film!
And just like instant photos, this takes a minute to draw (or ‘develop’) the picture.

[Conteúdo incorporado]

See the project details!

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Carimbo de hora: 14 Dezembro, 2023