Como Encontrar as Melhores Apostas em CS: GO Esports

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As the game with the largest Steam player base, CS:GO is also one of the best esports in the betting market. With an established global competitive scene and top-tier teams around the world, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive appeals to the average bettor like no other game. It also helps that it is one of the easiest games to follow and start today. The COVID-19 pandemic also saw an unprecedented surge in CS:GO player numbers as well as esports betting activity.

Best Returns in CS:GO Esports Betting

Aqui estão alguns tips on how to approach betting in CS:GO esports and how to maximize profits and returns with the best bets.

Read the Odds

Money lines are some of the most common bets in CS:GO. Despite their popularity, ML bets are not always the most lucrative choice. They often carry higher risks with much lower reward options.

Before placing a bet, it is important that a bettor compares the bookmaker’s odds against the real odds. If the bookmaker’s odds provide a greater return, then it makes a more compelling bet choice. Betting in CS:GO is all about your understanding of the game, the match, and the esports teams. If you have a better understanding of the actual chances of winning a bet, you will end up with a large profit in the long run.

CS: GO esports bettors should learn to read the odds and compare bookmaker odds with their own thoughts for the best betting returns.

Watch Games for Handicap Bets

CS:GO pistol rounds are important in esports betting.

Players can stay up to date about teams’ pistol round performances through watching CS:GO tournament streams. Image Credit: CSGOpedia.

How do you compare bookmakers’ odds to the real odds? What are real odds anyways? Real odds refer to a user’s understanding of the possibility of a bet going in any direction. This is where a bettor’s understanding of the game, the two teams, and their form comes into play.

To make the best bets, CS:GO bettors should consider investing time to watch jogos de esportes. Watching a game improves a user’s understanding of the match. Very often, a team could be excellent in pistol rounds but might not convert early rounds into map victories. However, if you know how a team plays on certain maps or rounds, you can profit based on your information and knowledge.

Similarly, a team can be extremely strong on the Vertigo or Train maps, but with a smaller map pool, a team’s chances of winning a Bo3 series might be very small. Watching matches and using your knowledge of CS:GO stats can help in choosing the right bet.

Find Value in CS:GO Bets

HLTV provides great stats to know the best bets for CS:GO esports betting.

Websites like provide useful statistics that can help a user in choosing the right bet for CS:GO matches. Screengrab via HLTV.

Is it worth it to bet on a particular match? Does a minuscule return on a safe match sound better than a higher return on a slightly riskier bet? A bettor who plays it too safe will not make much money and one single upset might be all that’s needed to wipe out previous gains. CS:GO bettors should find the right balance between risk and capital investment. Investing $100 on a bet that returns $20 but is slightly risky might be worth more than investing the amount to earn a meager $5 on a sure bet.

Bettors often take big risks but these should be based on data and calculations. HLTV is the go-to place for CS:GO statistics. Other sites such as Leetify also provide CS:GO statistics that should help bettors analyze the betting risks and find the best esports bets.

CS: GO esports betting can be lucrative especially with the variety of options available to bettors. From pistol round wins to map-specific handicaps, the title has a lot of options to profit. Patience and information are the key elements to success in CS:GO betting.

Escrito por Rohan Samal


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