O suposto switch Unreal Engine 5 de Halo faz sentido - mas ainda é uma tragédia

O suposto switch Unreal Engine 5 de Halo faz sentido – mas ainda é uma tragédia

Nó Fonte: 1942390

There's a new trend in video game development. Game studios, even large ones, are binning their own bespoke engines and moving to Unreal Engine instead. We've seen it with CDPR e O Mago, we've seen it with Crystal Dynamics e Tomb Raider, and now it's happening to another huge franchise: Halo.

A 343 Industries, a sitiada administradora da franquia, enfrentou muitas críticas após a revelação inicial de Halo Infinite, em grande parte por seus gráficos. Despite significant improvements up to and beyond the game's launch, it's clear that the game didn't live up to expectations and now the developer is 'tudo menos começar do zero' on the next Halo game, with at least 95 developers fired and a switch to Unreal Engine 5 planned - according to a Bloomberg report.

It's this story that dominates this week's Digital Foundry Direct discussions, with John Linneman, Alex Battaglia and special guest Sam Machkovech expressing their views on the matter.

In my view, it's a tragedy, both for the developers involved and the Slipspace Engine that powered Halo Infinite. The demise of in-house engines necessarily means a loss in variety when it comes to rendering techniques, art styles and more, and even contributes to issues like the Epidemia de luta contra a gagueira - our term for the shader compilation stutters that plagued PC games, most frequently Unreal Engine 4 releases, over the past few years. It also puts a lot of power into the hands of Unreal Engine creators Epic, who have done well to push graphical rendering techniques forward over the years but (understandably) have their own preferences for how games ought to play, ought to look and ought to be developed.

Bespoke engines have the latitude to do something different, emphasise graphical techniques, features or development styles that better suit an individual team or specific player base, but it seems that they also represent an often unacceptable risk for developers and publishers who have to justify the extra time and money to create, maintain and train new hires on an in-house engine. It's the maintenance side of things that appears to often be the stumbling block, with the talented developers of games as disparate as Halo Infinite, Counter-Strike Global Offensive and Cyberpunk 2077 struggling to fix long-standing bugs or add much-requested features due to messy, spaghettified codebases, the legacy of years or even decades of in-house engine development.

In this sense, switching to Unreal Engine 5 allows for a clean break, a chance to get rid of the legacy cruft and start again from a sturdy foundation - I just hope that it doesn't stifle ambition or lead to a generation of bland, cookie-cutter game graphics. Hi-Fi Rush é um ótimo contra-exemplo do que você pode fazer para subverter a aparência de um jogo Unreal Engine e acabar com algo especial, para que outros desenvolvedores estejam atentos.

  • 00:00:00 Introdução
  • 00:01:53 Novidade 01: Desenvolvedor Halo sofre demissões, migrando para UE5?
  • 00:17:37 Notícias 02: Principais jogos de serviço ao vivo cancelados
  • 00:27:11 Notícias 03: DLSS 3 adicionado ao Cyberpunk 2077, Dying Light 2
  • 00:36:21 Notícias 04: The Witcher 3 obtém aumento de desempenho RT
  • 00:43:11 Notícias 05: Goldeneye é lançado no Xbox, Switch
  • 00:53:56 Notícias 06: Firmware beta do PS5 adiciona suporte VRR 1440p
  • 01:05:04 Apoiador do DF Q1: Sam, você chamou o RTX 4090 de uma pechincha. Que outras pechinchas você recomenda?
  • 01:09:04 Apoiador do DF Q2: Você testou copiar o cache do shader de um PC para outro para eliminar a falha do shader?
  • 01:10:08 Apoiador do DF Q3: A Square Enix poderia estar com problemas financeiros após a má recepção de Forspoken?
  • 01:13:51 Apoiador do DF Q4: Com as pré-encomendas do PS VR2 supostamente abaixo do esperado, o VR2 poderia seguir o caminho do Vita?
  • 01:18:58 Apoiador do DF Q5: Você acha que é seguro migrar para o Windows 11 em uma plataforma de jogos?

Elsewhere in the show, Alex, John and Sam discuss the recent cancellation of live service games - which seem destined to either make huge amounts of money or die off almost immediately - and in more positive news, the RT improvements to The Witcher 3 and the addition of DLSS 3 to Cyberpunk and Dying Light 2.

We've recently cobriu os lançamentos Goldeneye 007 para Xbox e Switch na íntegra, so let's move onto the final news item this week: a new PS5 beta firmware that adds VRR to 1440p - it was previously only available at 1080p or 4K. This makes a ton of sense, given the number of gaming monitors that hit that 1440p 120Hz+ VRR spec. The update also adds Discord voice calls to PS5, ensuring you don't need to get a headset that supports simultaneous Bluetooth (to mobile Discord) and 2.4GHz (to PS5) to chat with friends cross-platform. There are some other changes discussed too, with the theme seemingly being quality of life improvements that don't radically change the experience but do bring the PS5 user experience closer to the high bar set by the final iteration of the PS4 OS.

We had some great supporter questions too, discussing PS VR2 pre-orders, testing copying the shader cache from one PC to another - a kind of manual Shader Butler?! - and how the RTX 4090 is a 'bargain' according to Sam. Moreover, is Windows 11 actually 'safe' for gaming these days - or is Windows 10 still the way to go?

I won't spoil the answers to these questions, but I will mention that you can submit your own questions for us to answer in the Direct by juntando-se ao Patreon do DF. Isso ajuda a apoiar o trabalho que fazemos e dá a você acesso a uma comunidade realmente adorável de pessoas que pensam como você no Discord. Então: junte-se a nós!

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