Google Photos AI ainda não consegue rotular gorilas

Google Photos AI ainda não consegue rotular gorilas

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IA em resumo AI may be progressing rapidly, but it appears Google still hasn't quite fixed an eight-year problem with its image recognition system: identifying pictures of gorillas accurately.

The company was criticized when a software developer, Jacky Alciné, found the image recognition system deployed in its Photos app in 2015 had mistakenly labelled a photo of him and his friend as gorillas. Alciné and his friend are both Black. Horrified, Google swiftly covered up the racist error by blocking the software's ability to label images of gorillas.

Eight years later, the flaw still hasn't been fixed properly. An experimentar conduzido pelo New York Times descobriu que os usuários podiam pesquisar suas fotos por diferentes tipos de animais – como gatos e cangurus – mas não por gorilas, babuínos, chimpanzés, orangotangos e macacos. 

The Photos app still steers clear of labelling images of primates. It's not clear whether the company is unable to fix the issue, or if the feature is too controversial or risky to deploy. Interestingly, Apple's Photo app and Microsoft's OneDrive storage app had the same glitch too, while Amazon Photos tended to mistakenly label other types of animals as gorillas.

Alciné said he was disappointed Google has not fixed the problem. "I'm going to forever have no faith in this AI," he said.

OpenAI lança novo programa para financiar ideias sobre como controlar democraticamente a AGI

O braço sem fins lucrativos da OpenAI prometeu conceder um total de um milhão de dólares a pessoas com boas ideias sobre como estabelecer um processo democrático pelo qual os cidadãos possam moldar o desenvolvimento da IA.

Qualquer um pode enviar suas propostas até 2 de junho. A startup de IA selecionará os dez principais aplicativos e concederá US$ 100,000 cada para que os destinatários possam começar a trabalhar para construir protótipos de suas ideias. 

"AGI should benefit all of humanity and be shaped to be as inclusive as possible," OpenAI anunciou in a blog post this week. "We are launching this grant program to take a first step in this direction. We are seeking teams from across the world to develop proof-of-concepts for a democratic process that could answer questions about what rules AI systems should follow."

OpenAI said that the grants are experiments, and it may or may not apply any of the ideas into practice. The startup is interested in methods that support input from a diverse community on problems that can't necessarily be solved by following laws.

"For example: under what conditions should AI systems condemn or criticize public figures, given different opinions across groups regarding those figures? How should disputed views be represented in AI outputs? Should AI by default reflect the persona of a median individual in the world, the user's country, the user's demographic, or something entirely different? No single individual, company, or even country should dictate these decisions," it asked.

Anthropic levanta US$ 450 milhões na rodada da Série C

A Anthropic, uma startup de IA cofundada por ex-funcionários da OpenAI, arrecadou US$ 450 milhões em sua última rodada de investimentos liderada pela Spark Capital, enquanto procura construir mais produtos comerciais.

A rodada da Série C é apoiada pelo Google, Salesforce Ventures, Sound Ventures, Zoom Ventures e outros. A Anthropic está atualmente trabalhando para integrar mais clientes usando seu grande modelo de linguagem, Claude. O CEO Dario Amodei disse que o dinheiro será destinado à construção de mais produtos.

"We are thrilled that these leading investors and technology companies are supporting Anthropic's mission: AI research and products that put safety at the frontier. The systems we are building are being designed to provide reliable AI services that can positively impact businesses and consumers now and in the future."

Anthropic said it was focused on building safer products using AI alignment techniques to guide its chatbot into following instructions and generating appropriate responses. The company recently expanded Claude's janela de contexto para suportar 100,000 tokens, permitindo processar centenas de páginas de documentos de uma só vez. 

Waymo faz parceria com a Uber para expandir seu serviço de robotaxi

O negócio de carros autônomos Waymo está se aproximando do aplicativo de táxi Uber para atrair mais passageiros em Phoenix, Arizona. Os dois estavam competindo ferozmente um contra o outro em um ponto, mas agora estão lançando a tecnologia de carros autônomos de suas próprias maneiras e podem ver os benefícios da parceria.

A Waymo fornecerá seus veículos autônomos, enquanto a Uber fornecerá sua rede de passageiros. Os usuários do Uber poderão chamar os carros Waymo Driver para entregar comida encomendada por meio do aplicativo Uber Eats ou serem conduzidos aos seus destinos de destino por meio do aplicativo Uber.

"We're excited to offer another way for people to experience the enjoyable and life-saving benefits of full autonomy," Tekedra Mawakana, co-CEO of Waymo, explicado in a statement this week. "Uber has long been a leader in human-operated ridesharing, and the pairing of our pioneering technology and all-electric fleet with their customer network provides Waymo with an opportunity to reach even more people."

Espera-se que o serviço robotaxi seja lançado em Phoenix, Arizona, ainda este ano. ®

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