Episódio 127 - FASB Quem?

Episódio 127 – FASB Quem?

Nó Fonte: 2870247

This week we look at how the ruling by the FASB organization might affect the growth of Bitcoin holding by corporations. Because of the previous accounting rules, corporations such as MicroStrategy where hurt by holding Bitcoin in a down market. This is no longer the case and I believe this will help with corporate adoption of Bitcoin. Is this helpful for Bitcoin? Let’s talk!

Notícias e links

FASB emite decisão regulatória

Aplicativos de podcasting 2.0 disponíveis em http://newpodcastapps.com/

Eu posso ser contatado por e-mail em mcintosh@genwealthcrypto.com e no Twitter em @McIntoshFinTech. Meu identificador de mastodonte é @mcintosh@podcastindex.social. Ansioso por saber sobre você!



Créditos de música

Introdução de guitarra de rock 07 por TaigaSoundProd

Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/8342-rock-guitar-intro-07

Licença: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Vida Funky por WinnieTheMoog

link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6040-funky-life

Licença: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

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