Semana da Indústria de Chips em Revisão

Semana da Indústria de Chips em Revisão

Nó Fonte: 3048968

By Susan Rambo, Jesse Allen, and Liz Allan

A NOS government will provide about $162 million in federal incentives, under the CHIPS and Science Act, to help Microchip onshore its cadeia de suprimentos de semicondutores. The move is aimed at securing a reliable domestic supply of MCUs and mature-node chips. “Today’s announcement will help propel semiconductor manufacturing projects in Colorado and Oregon, and reinforce America’s chip supply chains for critical automotive, medical, aerospace, and defense technologies, among other applications,” dito John Neuffer, Associação da Indústria de Semicondutores (SIA) presidente e CEO.

Five chip companies — Robert Bosch, Infineon, Nordic Semiconductor, NXP e Qualcomm — joined forces to create a new company Quintauris. The stated goal is to develop and commercialize RISC-V-based hardware, provide reference architectures, and help establish solutions that can be widely used across various industries. While the initial focus will be automotive, the companies plan to expand into mobile and IoT, as well.

X-FAB adquirido M-MOS Semiconductor, a fabless company specializing in the development of MOSFET technologies and the design of custom MOSFET devices, for €22.5 million (~$24.7 million). X‑FAB anticipates the acquisition will accelerate development of its power discrete business.

Global semiconductor capacity will reach 30 million wafers per month in 2024, a novo recorde, up 5.5% from 2023, according to SEMI.


Relatório especial: Investments are booming as countries and companies vie for supply chain security and technology leadership. Here’s a look at 130 fab and facility investments in the chip industry.

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Links rápidos para mais notícias:

Design e Poder
Fabricação e Teste
Automotivo e Baterias
Computação Pervasiva e IA
Relatórios detalhados

Design e Poder

Rambus anunciou availability of its Gen4 DDR5 Registering Clock Driver (RCD), which boosts the data rate to 7200 MT/s to support generative AI and other advanced data center workloads.

Os EUA Programa de visto H-1B is poised for a shakeup due to a critical talent shortage and the need to keep highly qualified engineers in the country, especially after they graduate from U.S. universities.

Astrobotic alavancado Ansys’ multiphysics and digital mission engineering (DME) solutions to prepare for a lunar mission by predicting many categories of the spacecraft’s performance indicators, from plotting the orbital trajectory to analyzing communication system performance.

Georgia Tech researchers created the world’s first functional semiconductor made from grafeno, a single sheet of carbon atoms held together by the strongest bonds known.

DARPA está tentando identificar under-explored approaches to quantum computing that could accelerate the timetable for utility-scale operation, where the computational value exceeds its cost. Microsoft e PsiQuantum have been selected to move forward in the program and will design fault-tolerant smaller-scale quantum computer prototypes based on topological qubits and silicon-based photonics, respectively.

Fabricação e Teste

The magnitude 7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake in Japan has not stopped production in the semiconductor industry, but it did temporarily halt manufacturing at Taiyo Yuden, Shin-Etsu, Bolachas Globais, Toshiba e TPSCo, according to TrendForce. Avante relatado sem problemas e Toshiba irá fornecer um atualizar.

Bruker disse que vai adquirir Phasefocus, a privately held company with expertise in imaging and image processing algorithms.

A Neerlandês government’s mandate that ASML stop shipping its NXT:2050i and NXT:2100i lithography systems to Chinês customers, has been partially revoked. ASML said the export control would affect only a small number of customers in China, and that it did not expect the export controls to have a material impact in 2023.

To remain competitive with foreign salaries, the Asia-based semiconductor industry is increasing starting pay rates. ’Elétron de Tóquio vai aumentar the starting salaries of new hires by about 40%, according to Nikkei Asia. TSMC, meanwhile, offered starting salaries in 2022 that were 40% higher than the local average, and will offer larger starting salaries at its new plant in Kikuyo, Kumamoto Prefecture, which may boost salaries across the board, according to the JapanTimes.

De Israel government will provide a Doação de US$ 3.2 bilhões to help pay for the $25 billion chip plant Intel is building in southern Israel.

UMC ganhou an AAA certification for IP management from Taiwan’s Industrial Development Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The certification is given to companies that show continuous efforts on managing and optimizing IP.

Os EUA Instituto Nacional de Inovação e Tecnologia lançado the national Semiconductor and Advanced Manufacturing Technician Apprenticeship Program (SAM-TAP) as part of the U.S. Department of Labor’s mission to create Registered Apprenticeships (RAs) for the semiconductor and nanotechnology-related industries.

Automotivo e Baterias

Twelve companies, including Renesas, Cadência, Synopsys, Honda, Mazda e Nissan, estabelecido the Advanced SoC Research for Automotive (ASRA) network to research and develop high-performance digital ICs for automotive. The plan is to have these chips in mass production from 2030 onward.

A huge number of startups are attempting to jump start new technologies in the automotive sector in what has become a highly competitive and global race. Investors are funneling large sums of money for everything from lidar to power semiconductors.

Changes to the federal Crédito fiscal EV took effect on January 1. Topping out at $7,500, the credit will exclude certain EVs that contain components or critical minerals from “foreign entities of concern” (FEOC). Some buyers will be able to access the credit right after purchasing an eligible vehicle.

Ansys sensors will be acessível dentro NVIDIA‘s scenario-based AV simulator, allowing users to access to high-fidelity sensor simulation outputs for the training and validation of perception ADAS/AV systems.

Airbus e BMW lançado the Quantum Mobility Quest global computing challenge “to tackle the most pressing challenges in aviation and automotive that have remained insurmountable for classical computers.”

Rivian is recordando some 2022 R1T and R1S vehicles because the accelerator pedal may not detect when the driver releases the pedal, which can result in unintended vehicle movement of the vehicle. Rivian has released an over-the-air software update, and will replace the accelerator pedals for free.

Croatian EV company Rimac, which makes the Nevera electric hypercar and co-owns Bugatti, plans to produce a fleet of táxis autônomos by 2026, reports Forbes.

LeddarTech, which develops AI-based low-level sensor fusion and perception software for assisted and autonomous driving, is now a public company. It will trade as LDTC on the NASDAQ.

In what may truly be the first smartphone on wheels, China’s Xiaomi lançado its SU7 EV, which it claims will accelerate faster than Porsche’s Taycan and Tesla’s Model S, reports CNBC. The car is integrated with Xiaomi’s smartphone and internet-connected home appliances, but also will be compatible with the iPhone, iPad, CarPlay, and AirPlay.

Enquanto isso, BYD ultrapassado Tesla’s production for a second straight year with more than 3 million vehicles, and Nio revelou its ET9 executive sedan to take on Mercedes-Benz‘s Maybach and Porsche‘s Panamera, featuring self-designed autonomous driving semiconductors, 900-volt electric drive for fast charging, and large cylindrical battery cells, according to Reuters. It is expected to start delivery in Q1 2025.

Hyundai filed a patent for a foldable bateria totalmente de estado sólido with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, reports the Korean Car Blog.

Yamaha created a new company, ENYRING, que provê baterias trocáveis for compact urban EVs, such as e-bikes. The goal is to create a closed loop, in which recycled materials are used as resources for creating new products.

EV preços da bateria dropped in December, but are expected to stabilize by Q2 2024, reports TrendForce. Also, the global sales volume of neighborhood EVs (NEVs) was estimated to reach about 12.8 million units in 2023, with China expected to have a 60% market share, 22% in Western Europe, 11% in the U.S., and 6% in other regions.


Engenho MITRE completed a pilot program to address the need for cybersecurity risk mitigation across the mobile digital financial services (mDFS) ecosystem. The team created a cyber risk model to help direct the fintech industry and government toward solutions-oriented investments.

Fig. 1: A two-lens approach to security. Source: Mitre Engenuity

With encryption at risk in the post-quantum world, FPGAs are increasingly vulnerable. The solution requires both traditional and novel defenses.

A proposed augmented security module (ASM) provides security services for IoT devices within the same network, requiring minimal device modifications, according to researchers at Kyung Hee University e Universidade do Estado de Oregon.

A self-adaptive striped-function logic locking method named SFLL-AD was proposed by researchers at Universidade de Zhejiang.

Universidade Tecnológica de Nanyang (NTU) researchers used a twofold method for jailbreaking large language models (LLMs). First, they reverse-engineered how LLMs detect and defend themselves from malicious queries, and then they taught an LLM to automatically learn and produce prompts that bypass the defenses of other LLMs.

A Agência de Segurança Cibernética e de Infraestrutura (CISA) emitido various alerts, including advisories about a Bleichenbacher style attack on Mitsubushi’s factory automation products, and a ataque de estouro de buffer on Rockwell’s Automation FactoryTalk Activation Manager.

Computação Pervasiva e IA

NXP e MicroEJ uniram-se to offer software containers with standard APIs, enabling portability of RTOS-based MCUs and Linux-based processors in industrial and edge environments.

Qualcomm estreou a single-chip architecture for mixed reality and virtual reality, with 4.3K resolution.

Intel e Ponte Digital formado Artigo 8 AI, an independent company offering a full-stack, vertically-optimized, and secure generative AI software platform that keeps customer data, training, and inference within the enterprise security perimeter.

Google DeepMind introduced AutoRT, a system that can collect more experiential training data, as well as more diverse data, to speed up robotic learning and prepare them for the real world.

Universidade de Stanford researchers showed how the Mobile ALOHA sistema robótico can autonomously complete complex mobile manipulation tasks such as sauteing a piece of shrimp, opening a two-door wall cabinet, calling and entering an elevator, and rinsing a used pan.

Global smartphone premium sales likely grew 6% year-over-year in 2023 to hit a new record, according to Counterpoint. Premium phones have a value of more than $600, and the segment is expected to capture almost a quarter of global smartphone market sales and 60% of the revenues in 2023. The overall smartphone market, meanwhile, is expected to show a decline.

Global cellular IoT module shipments dropped 2% in Q3 2023, compared to the same period in 2022, and full-year shipments are expected to decline by 5%, according to Counterpoint. The top five applications – smart meters, automotive, POS, router/CPE, and telematics – accounted for more than 60% of total shipments. Meanwhile, the 5G market’s share in the global cellular IoT module market crossed 5% for the first time, with early adoption showing in the router/CPE, PC, and automotive markets.

Global TV shipments were expected to fall by 2.3% in 2023, adversely impacted by inflation, reports TrendForce, while the shipment of LCD panels is projected to hit around 242 million units in 2024, a growth rate of about 3.4%.

Oxford University researchers set out a new principle to explain how the brain adjusts connections between neurons during learning, with the potential to inspire faster and more robust learning algorithms in AI.

Pesquisadores do Laboratório de Ciência da Computação e Inteligência Artificial do MIT (MIT-CSAIL) developed an approach that uses Modelos de IA to conduct experiments on other systems and explain their behavior. “Central to this strategy is the automated interpretability agent (AIA), designed to mimic a scientist’s experimental processes.”

Relatórios detalhados

More new stories by the Semiconductor Engineering editorial team:

  • Discussão de especialistas: Voltage droop in analog and mixed-signal designs, and the need for multi-vendor tool interoperability and more precision.
  • Expert discussion: What’s changing in tecnologia de sensores e porque.


Sassine Gazi assumiu como CEO of Synopsys, posting a letter to stakeholders.

Aspinidade, a developer of analog machine learning chips for always-on edge processing, nomeado Richard Hegberg as its new CEO. Previous CEO and co-founder Tom Doyle will take up the role of COO.


Encontre a próxima indústria de chips eventos aqui, Incluindo:

Evento Data Localização
ISS 2024: Simpósio de Estratégia da Indústria 7 a 10 de janeiro Half Moon Bay, CA
CES 2024: Eletrônicos de Consumo 9 a 12 de janeiro Las Vegas, NV
Mundo Automotivo: Feira de Tecnologia Automotiva Avançada 24 a 26 de janeiro Tóquio, Japão
Velocidade, protocolo e segurança: novos desafios da rede automotiva Jan 24 Novi, MI
SPIE Photonics Oeste 27 de janeiro a 1 de fevereiro São Francisco, CA
DesignCon 2024 30 de janeiro a 1 de fevereiro Santa Clara, CA
Cimeira Chiplet 6 a 8 de fevereiro Santa Clara, CA
A ascensão da computação fotônica 7 a 8 de fevereiro San Jose, CA
Simpósio de embalagens em nível de wafer 13 a 15 de fevereiro Aeroporto Hyatt Regency San Francisco
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