CBUAE planeja lançar moeda digital do Banco Central

CBUAE planeja lançar moeda digital do Banco Central

Nó Fonte: 1956291

Como parte da primeira fase de sua iniciativa de transformação da infraestrutura financeira (FIT), iniciada recentemente, o Banco Central dos Emirados Árabes Unidos (CBUAE) planeja introduzir uma moeda digital do banco central (CBDC) que será válida tanto para transações internacionais quanto locais. transações.

The Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates (CBUAE) has recently made a statement in which it announced the FIT program and underlined its goal to assist the country's financial services industry. The UAE's Central Bank underlined the fact that the scheme will boost digital transactions and help the UAE to become more competitive as a financial and digital payment centre.

The issue of a CBDC is required in order to go on to the next level of the FIT program. The issuing of a CBDC would, in the words of the central bank, "address the difficulties and inefficiencies of cross-border payments and assist spur innovation for domestic payments, respectively." The Governor of the CBUAE, Khaled Mohamed Balama, said that the FIT program would "help a flourishing UAE financial ecosystem and its future expansion."

During the first stage of the program, in addition to a CBDC, the government intends to launch a unified card payment platform to "facilitate the growth of e-commerce" as well as an instant payments platform to "support financial inclusion and enable a cashless society." Both of these platforms are intended to be implemented in order to "facilitate the growth of e-commerce."

Incluídas nas nove iniciativas que compõem o programa FIT estão aquelas que serão colocadas em prática na primeira etapa. Após a primeira etapa, outras iniciativas serão implementadas, como o portal e-Know Your Customer e um centro de inovação.

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