Yonkers Fire Caused by Heating Lamp Used to Cultivate Marijuana Plants, Police Say

Source Node: 2513235

On the morning of March 16th, a fire broke out in Yonkers, New York that caused significant damage to multiple buildings and displaced dozens of residents. According to the Yonkers Fire Department, the fire was caused by a heating lamp used to cultivate marijuana plants.

The fire began in a two-story apartment building on the corner of South Broadway and Elm Street. Firefighters responded to the scene at around 8:30 am and were able to contain the blaze within an hour. However, the fire had already caused extensive damage to the building and several neighboring structures.

The cause of the fire was determined to be a heating lamp that was being used to cultivate marijuana plants in an apartment on the second floor of the building. The lamp had been left on overnight and had overheated, igniting nearby combustible materials.

The Yonkers Police Department has since launched an investigation into the incident. They are looking into whether or not the individuals responsible for cultivating the marijuana plants were in violation of any laws or regulations.

No injuries were reported as a result of the fire, but dozens of residents were displaced due to the damage caused by the blaze. The Red Cross is currently providing assistance to those affected by the fire.

The incident serves as a reminder of the dangers of cultivating marijuana indoors. Heating lamps can be hazardous if not used properly, and can easily cause fires if left unattended. It is important for those who choose to cultivate marijuana to do so safely and responsibly.