Fnatic Signs Oscarinin and Advienne for LEC 2023 Spring Split

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Esports organization Fnatic has recently announced the signing of two new players, Oscarinin and Advienne, to its League of Legends European Championship (LEC) roster for the 2023 Spring Split. This is a major move for the team, as both players have shown great potential in the competitive scene.

Oscarinin is a top laner from Spain who has been playing professionally since 2019. He has been part of several teams, including MAD Lions and Team Heretics, and has won multiple tournaments. He is known for his aggressive playstyle and his ability to carry games.

Advienne is a mid laner from France who has been playing professionally since 2020. She has been part of several teams, including G2 Esports and Team Vitality, and has won multiple tournaments. She is known for her strategic playstyle and her ability to outplay her opponents.

The addition of these two players to Fnatic’s roster is sure to bring a lot of excitement to the LEC. Oscarinin and Advienne have already shown great potential in the competitive scene, and with their addition to Fnatic’s roster, they will be able to help the team reach new heights.

Fnatic’s signing of Oscarinin and Advienne is a great move for the team, as it shows that they are committed to building a strong roster for the upcoming season. With these two players on board, Fnatic will be able to compete at the highest level in the LEC.

It will be exciting to see how Oscarinin and Advienne perform in the upcoming season of the LEC. With their addition to Fnatic’s roster, the team is sure to be one of the strongest contenders in the league. We wish them all the best for their future endeavors!

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream