Equivalence Checking Workflow for Automating Agile Hardware Design

Source Node: 2419839

Equivalence checking is a critical part of the hardware design process, and it has become increasingly important in the context of agile hardware design. Agile hardware design is a methodology that focuses on rapid iteration and prototyping, allowing designers to quickly identify and address issues. Equivalence checking is a process of verifying that two designs are functionally equivalent, and it can help ensure that changes to a design do not introduce unexpected behavior. Automating this process can help speed up the design process and reduce the risk of errors.

The first step in automating the equivalence checking workflow is to create a testbench. A testbench is a set of tests that can be used to verify the functionality of a design. This testbench should include tests for all of the features that are expected to be present in the design, as well as tests for any new features that are added. The testbench should also include tests for any potential corner cases that could arise.

Once the testbench is created, the next step is to generate a set of input stimuli. This can be done by using a hardware description language (HDL) simulator, or by using a tool such as SystemVerilog or VHDL. The input stimuli should be designed to exercise all of the features of the design, as well as any new features that have been added.

Once the input stimuli have been generated, the next step is to create a reference model. This model should be functionally equivalent to the design under test, and it should be used as a baseline for comparison during the equivalence checking process. The reference model should also include any new features that have been added to the design.

The final step in the workflow is to perform the actual equivalence checking. This can be done using a variety of tools, such as formal verification tools or logic synthesis tools. These tools can be used to compare the behavior of the design under test against the reference model, and they can identify any discrepancies between the two designs.

By automating the equivalence checking workflow, designers can quickly identify and address issues with their designs. This can help speed up the design process and reduce the risk of errors. Additionally, automating this process can help ensure that changes to a design do not introduce unexpected behavior.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream