Equivalence Checking Workflow for Automated Agile Hardware Design

Source Node: 2419976

Equivalence checking is an important part of the automated agile hardware design process. It is used to ensure that two designs are functionally equivalent, meaning that they will produce the same results when implemented. This process is essential for ensuring that designs are correct and that any changes made during the design process do not introduce errors or unexpected behavior.

The equivalence checking workflow begins with the development of a reference design. This is the original design that will be used as the basis for comparison. The reference design must be thoroughly tested and verified to ensure that it meets all requirements and specifications. Once the reference design is complete, it is then compared to the new design. The comparison is done by running a series of tests on both designs to ensure that they produce the same results.

Once the comparison is complete, any discrepancies between the two designs must be identified and addressed. This can involve making changes to either design or implementing a workaround to ensure that both designs produce the same results. Once all discrepancies have been addressed, the two designs are considered functionally equivalent and can be used in the automated agile hardware design process.

Equivalence checking is an important part of the automated agile hardware design process. By ensuring that two designs are functionally equivalent, designers can be confident that any changes made during the design process will not introduce errors or unexpected behavior. This process is essential for ensuring that designs are correct and that any changes made during the design process do not introduce errors or unexpected behavior.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream