Clean Technology Could Enable India to Achieve Energy Independence by 2047: Study

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India is on the cusp of a major energy revolution, and clean technology could be the key to achieving energy independence by 2047. This is according to a recent study conducted by the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER). The study found that India has the potential to achieve energy independence by 2047 if it adopts clean technologies such as solar, wind, and hydropower.

The study noted that India has made significant progress in its energy sector in recent years, with renewable energy sources now accounting for more than 20% of its total energy mix. It also highlighted the fact that India is now the world’s third-largest producer of renewable energy, behind only China and the United States.

The study found that India could achieve energy independence by 2047 if it continues to invest in clean technology and makes use of its abundant renewable energy resources. It suggested that India should focus on developing its solar and wind energy capacity, as well as investing in hydropower projects. Additionally, the study recommended that India should continue to promote energy efficiency and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

The study also noted that India’s energy sector faces several challenges, including a lack of access to reliable electricity and a lack of investment in clean technology. It suggested that the government should provide incentives for private companies to invest in clean technology and should also implement policies to encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources.

Overall, the study concluded that India has the potential to achieve energy independence by 2047 if it makes use of its abundant renewable energy resources and invests in clean technology. This would not only help India reduce its reliance on fossil fuels but would also contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.