Bitdefender Launches Free Decryption Tool for Mortal Kombat Files

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In a recent announcement, cybersecurity company Bitdefender has launched a free decryption tool for Mortal Kombat files. This tool is designed to help users who have been affected by ransomware attacks that have encrypted their files. The ransomware, known as Mortal Kombat, has been targeting users around the world and encrypting their files with a strong encryption algorithm. With the launch of this free decryption tool, Bitdefender is providing a way for users to recover their files without having to pay the ransom demanded by the attackers.

Mortal Kombat is a form of ransomware that has been targeting users since early 2020. It works by encrypting files on the user’s computer and then demanding a ransom in exchange for the decryption key. The attackers behind Mortal Kombat have been using a strong encryption algorithm, making it difficult for users to recover their files without paying the ransom.

Bitdefender’s free decryption tool is designed to help users recover their files without having to pay the ransom. The tool works by scanning the user’s computer for encrypted files and then attempting to decrypt them using a unique decryption key. If the tool is successful, the user will be able to access their files again without having to pay the ransom.

The launch of this free decryption tool comes as a welcome relief to users who have been affected by Mortal Kombat ransomware attacks. It provides an alternative to paying the ransom and gives users a way to recover their files without having to worry about giving money to the attackers.

Bitdefender’s free decryption tool is available for download from their website. It is easy to use and can be used to scan and decrypt files that have been affected by Mortal Kombat ransomware attacks. This tool is a great way for users to protect themselves from ransomware attacks and recover their files without having to pay the ransom.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream