Why Giving Someone Some BTC To Join the Bitcoin Revolution Is Totally Stupid

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Only education can turn someone into a Bitcoiner, not money.

Photo by Executium on Unsplash

You are a Bitcoiner. Or you will be one very soon. I can guess that because you are reading this article. I even imagine that you frequently read the articles I write on In Bitcoin We Trust. So your belief that Bitcoin is a monetary revolution that will change the world of the future for the better must have grown stronger over the past few months.

At least I hope so because I write my articles to help as many people as possible understand why Bitcoin is essential for our future.

It’s not about money here, it’s about a mission. As a Bitcoiner, my mission is to help as many people as possible open their eyes to Bitcoin, just as others have helped me do previously. This is how the Bitcoin revolution has been progressing block by block forever.

Once you became convinced that Bitcoin is essential to the world of the future, you probably had the urge to help your family and friends discover the ugly truth about the current monetary and financial system. Then you felt the need to explain to your parents that they should buy Bitcoin to protect themselves from the great monetary inflation we are experiencing.

Unfortunately, the people around you don’t see it clearly.

These people still believe in politicians, economists, and journalists. De facto, they think that Bitcoin is a bad thing. They must imagine that Bitcoin is only used for illicit activities, or that Bitcoin is a major problem for the future of the environment.

In short, these people are still far from understanding that the current system is bound to disappear sooner or later because of the seven deadly sins it suffers from.

So you come up with one last option to help them discover Bitcoin: send them some BTC to discover Bitcoin. You think that by making their first transactions on the Bitcoin network, these people will see that Bitcoin is not that complicated.

You think that these people will then have the will to go further and learn more about Bitcoin and the economy. Eventually, you even hope that after sending these few Satoshis, these people will eventually become Bitcoiners just like you.

Well, you should know that while your approach is commendable, it is totally useless. Even worse, I would go so far as to say that it is stupid. Sorry to say it so bluntly, but it was something you had to hear, or rather read here.

By giving Bitcoin to someone who doesn’t believe in the Bitcoin revolution, I can already tell you how it will end: that person will quickly sell that Bitcoin for U.S. dollars, or for a Sh*tcoin like Dogecoin that is currently in the news.

Bitcoin is a lot of money, and for those who don’t understand its revolution, that’s all that matters. Non-believers don’t understand that Bitcoin is primarily about power, rather than money.

So never send BTC to someone in the hope of making them realize how important Bitcoin will be in the future. It will never work that way.

Instead, you need to continue your efforts to teach these people why Bitcoin is a monetary revolution that is struggling to offer us a better alternative to the current system that is doomed to disappear. This is a thankless task, I grant you.

Many of these people will laugh in your face. But rest assured, less and less as time goes on. More and more people you’ve talked to about Bitcoin in the past will come back to you in the future for help in embracing the Bitcoin revolution.

Again, patience will make the difference as it always does with the Bitcoin revolution.

Source: https://www.inbitcoinwetrust.net/why-giving-someone-some-btc-to-join-the-bitcoin-revolution-is-totally-stupid-b3764cfc6cc7?source=rss——-8—————–cryptocurrency

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