What is Neo? China's Ethereum Rival - Asia Crypto Today

What is Neo? China’s Ethereum Rival – Asia Crypto Today

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In an era where the digital economy is fast reshaping our understanding of finance and commerce, blockchain technology has surfaced as a pivotal innovator. Among the numerous platforms making strides in this space, NEO stands out, exhibiting a unique combination of technological advancements and forward-thinking economics. This guide delves into the heart of this dynamic platform, exploring its origins, distinctive features, security measures, dual-token system, and a plethora of benefits that make it a noteworthy player in the blockchain sphere.


Emerging in 2014 under the moniker Antshares, the NEO project aimed to innovate and lay the foundations for the “smart economy”. This innovative vision was spearheaded by Da HongFei and Erik Zhang, who then introduced the initial coin offering for Antshares (ANS). In the duration of the ICO, the founders successfully amassed over 6,000 BTC.

In 2016, Antshares underwent a significant metamorphosis and reemerged as NEO, in a move that offered ANS token holders the opportunity to transition their assets into the reimagined currency. The term “NEO”, which derives from the Greek language, symbolizes something that is “new” or “young”. This terminology epitomizes the mission of the NEO project – to usher in a novel, advanced, and more efficient smart economy, boasting an impressive potential transaction processing rate of 10,000 transactions every second.

Announced in 2018, the Neo 3.0 protocol update is the next leap forward in the project’s development journey. This much-anticipated update was slated for official release in September 2021, symbolizing another important step towards realizing the project’s ambitious vision.

What is Neo?

NEO is a blockchain platform engineered to revolutionize asset and identity management by leveraging the power of smart contracts. The ultimate ambition is the realization of a fully-digitized, smart economy. In this futuristic economic model, digital identities and digital assets play a pivotal role in enhancing life quality for all individuals.

The unique strength of NEO lies in its aspiration to streamline digital asset management, utilizing the capabilities of smart contracts. Ultimately, it seeks to erect a decentralized, network-driven, smart economy infrastructure facilitated by an ecosystem of decentralized applications. The goal here is not only to digitize but also to automate, making transactions, interactions, and operations far more efficient and secure than ever before.

How is the Neo Blockchain Secured?

The NEO blockchain utilizes the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus model alongside a distinctive protocol, delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT). This novel combination empowers NEO to process a vast number of transactions, reaching up to an impressive 10,000 transactions per second, while functioning across centrally endorsed nodes.

This hybrid of the PoS protocol and dBFT consensus mechanism furnishes NEO with the ability to scale its network effectively. It results in quicker transactions, smoother execution of smart contracts, and ease in the development of decentralized applications (Dapps).

The network supports two native tokens: NEO and GAS. NEO, which is indivisible, plays a central role in payment settlements on the platform and also has a significant role in network governance. NEO holders can stake their tokens to vote for consensus nodes. On the other hand, GAS, which is divisible up to 0.00000001, is utilized primarily for transaction fees. Consensus nodes, responsible for new block generation, receive rewards in GAS fees.

Furthermore, the protocol offers a unique toolset for developers in the form of NeoContracts. These smart contracts allow for the creation and development of Dapps, directly mirroring real-world products and services. An attractive feature of NeoContracts is their compatibility with widely recognized programming languages such as Java, providing developers an advantage by not requiring them to learn a new language for Dapp development. This unique aspect sets them apart from smart contract protocols used by other Dapp networks.

Exploring NEO’s Dual-Token System

A defining feature of NEO is its pioneering dual-token mechanism, making it the first public blockchain platform to separate network usage rights from governance rights. This also facilitates easy acquisition of the required tokens for transaction fees.


In the context of network governance, tokenholders are granted the privilege of voting for the Neo Committee. This committee consists of various members and consensus nodes that oversee the governance of the NEO blockchain. They are tasked with a variety of critical functions such as upholding the network’s liveliness and making necessary adjustments to vital blockchain parameters.

One unique characteristic of NEO tokens is their indivisibility – the minimum unit of NEO is 1. This indicates that transactions, such as withdrawals from exchanges to wallets, can only occur in whole numbers. As a result, NEO stands out as one of the scarcest public blockchain tokens since it cannot be fragmented into smaller units.

At the inception of the network, 100 million coins were produced, with roughly half reserved by the Foundation to stimulate the development of the NEO ecosystem.


GAS, the second token in NEO’s dual-token system, is utilized for operations and storage of tokens and smart contracts within the network. This practice prevents the misuse of node resources. System fees are destroyed, while network fees are redistributed amongst consensus nodes, offering an economic incentive for their contributions to the network.

The smallest unit of GAS is 0.00000001, and unlike some other networks, NEO doesn’t require staking to claim GAS tokens. The majority of Neo wallets include a claim function, enabling users to gather their GAS at the click of a button. It’s worth noting that some exchanges distribute GAS to users who hold NEO on their platform, while others don’t.

The lion’s share of GAS is disseminated to voters as a reward for their active involvement in network governance. Thus, NEO holders who wish to partake in this process should ensure they select a wallet that supports the voting function.

Advantages of Neo

NEO, an open-source blockchain, shares common traits with Ethereum and other platforms that allow developers to craft smart contracts and construct decentralized applications (dApps). With the initiation of a migration to a new version, N3, in 2021, NEO showcased a series of intriguing features, which include:

Multilingual Support: Aiming to be a developer-friendly blockchain, the protocol extends its support to various programming languages. The Neo Blockchain Toolkit, designed for creating blockchain applications, offers compatibility with C#, Python, Go, TypeScript, and Java.

Decentralized Storage: The distributed, decentralized storage network, known as NeoFS, is a unique feature of NEO. This system enables the encryption and secure storage of data.

Native Oracle: NEO boasts its own oracle service, allowing developers to tap into off-chain or external data sources. This unique feature adds a whole new level of versatility to the platform.

Self-sovereign Identity: The NeoID, a decentralized identity tool, allows for user authentication in blockchain-based applications. This offers users an extra layer of security and control over their digital identities.

Interoperability: As a founding member of Poly Network, an alliance designed to facilitate cross-blockchain transactions, NEO embodies true interoperability. This membership enables transactions across a myriad of networks, including Ethereum and BNB Chain, thus increasing the overall functionality and reach of the platform.


NEO serves as a beacon of innovation in the ever-evolving world of blockchain technology. Its commitment to creating a “smart economy”, coupled with its unique dual-token system and various other notable features, solidifies its position in the global blockchain ecosystem. NEO’s mission to support multiple languages, offer decentralized storage, and provide native oracle services is a testament to its inclusive and adaptable nature. 

With the ongoing development and implementation of advanced features, NEO remains poised to usher in the future of digitized assets and identities, carving a path towards a more secure, efficient, and interconnected digital economy. Whether you’re a developer, investor, or a blockchain enthusiast, NEO’s offerings undeniably hold vast potential in the years to come.

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