Solis — On-chain Collectible Card Game: Introduction & Game Design

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People to this day collect and play collectible card games —like Hearthstone, Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc. — despite today’s technological advances of modern gaming.

The appeal of CCGs can be taken to the next level through crypto.

Using the blockchain as a medium and NFTs as building blocks serve the perfect conditions for a CCG — like Solis.

Solis is a turn-based CCG deployed on Fantom where players can battle against one another, consequently gaining rewards and improving their NFT cards’ stats.

Solis aims to:

  • Allow players to trade P2P without being locked in the game (buy and sell cards in open markets).
  • Provide complete ownership of game assets (the cards are yours and only yours!).
  • Deliver a variable card design (improvable or destructible over time).

Solis cards are playable NFTs that come in 4 different types: Sapienoids, Malisoids, Spells and Enchantments.

There are 3 classes of Sapienoids: Aquasapiens, Aurasapiens and Terrasapiens. They are the character classes of the game. Each Sapienoid has a distinct appearance and a set of stats (attack, defense, accuracy, evasion). Some Sapienoids are good at performing attacks, while others are better at defense. However, there will be similarities in stats between the original Sapienoids. Furthermore, due to the variable design of the cards, they will evolve differently. This aspect of the game will be later discussed in greater detail.

Malisoids support Sapienoids while not having battle stats. Instead, they buff the stats of a Sapienoid of the same class (Aqua/Aura/Terra).

Spells perform active or passive abilities that can affect the gameplay, the player’s cards or the opponent’s. They are either earned through grinding or can be purchased from the marketplace. A spell card is consumable and can only be cast a limited amount of times.

Enchantment cards are used to improve cards stats. They will be issued on a regular basis in Solis marketplace; more on that in a separate article.

In order to start a match, each player is required to:

  • Have a minimum of three cards.
  • Have a sufficient amount of Mtoken to be able to pick one of the preset bets of the game.

After meeting the aforementioned requirements, the game will start match-making with another idle player of the same bet. The two players will then enter the game board; the game will randomly pick a player to play first.

The game board consists of 3 main card slots for each player; the card formation is one card ahead and two side-by-side cards behind.

There are 2 additional slots in the game board for passive spells while active spells will be cast and destroyed right away.

A Malisoid card will be stacked on a Sapienoind instead of taking a card slot.

Hence, there are a total of 5 slots.


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