Polyyeld, 1 Day Return: 70%

Source Node: 923432

Make your stake back in less than 2 days.

You don’t even need to beg!

I am currently test driving Polyyeld, a farm on the Polygon network, but from the looks of it, it could be a winner. Similar to Polycat, it has an auto-yield function where it does the harvesting and restaking for you.

Clicking on that calculator icon in the upper right we can see the one day return:

70% 1 day return.

So, the current price of Yeld is $675.45/token. If you deposit $1,000 worth of Yeld, if the price held, at the end of 24 hours your $1,000 would turn into $1,700.30.

Can I get a high five?

Give it a week, and $1,000 would turn into $40,007.


And YELD has been on a rise lately:

So, the the final amount may actually be higher at the end of the day.

Please be aware of Impermanent Loss if the price falls, but chartwise this seems to be a good entry still.

Also note: There’s a 0.1% fee if you unstake with 3 days. If you stake $1,000 it amounts to $1. Not a deal breaker if the price plummets and you need to exit, but something to be aware of.


  1. Add Matic Network to your Metamask wallet.
  2. Bridge assets from Ethereum here: https://wallet.matic.network/bridge/ or Binance Smart Chain here: https://evodefi.com/bridge
  3. Go to Polyyeld.
  4. Swap assets to YELD using the Yeld exchange: https://exchange.polyyeld.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd0f3121A190d85dE0AB6131f2bCEcdbfcfB38891
  5. Stake your YELD in their Vault: https://polyyeld.finance/vaults
  6. Enjoy your 70% yield a day!

If your Metamask already is on the Matic Network and you have assets to swap, just go to Step 3.

Source: https://medium.com/cryptozoa/polyyeld-1-day-return-70-61f64f0bb68b?source=rss——-8—————–cryptocurrency

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