Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Gets Casting Confirmation, New Screenshots - PlayStation LifeStyle

Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Gets Casting Confirmation, New Screenshots – PlayStation LifeStyle

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Naked Snake was noticeably silent during the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake trailer. Given how Snake was recast in the previous mainline Metal Gear Solid, some likely assumed pessimistically that the character had recast for the remake, as well. However, Konami, in addition to releasing some screenshots, has confirmed that is not the case.

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In a press release sent out after the game’s reveal, Konami said that it will include “all of the original voice characters, storyline, and features of combat survival, but elevated and evolved.” “Original voice characters” is a odd way to phrase it, but that strongly implies that Konami is getting the previous actors to reprise their roles. It’s unconfirmed if the remake will just be using the old voice track or have new recordings.

David Hayter, who played Solid Snake and Big Boss from Metal Gear Solid to Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, didn’t overtly confirm his involvement. Instead, he cheekily sent out a tweet responding to people asking him about it by posting the trailer for Synapse, a game that he is in that was also at the PlayStation Showcase. In addition to that mysterious post, he also liked a few tweets about the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake.

Konami also released a few screenshots of the game that show some of the more iconic places from the early sections of the original. Obviously, they have seen quite a major lift in fidelity.

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