How to lock content behind an NFT or crypto

Source Node: 1114345

One of the things that NFTs have been touted as being able to do, from a utility point of view, is to provide owners with access to limited edition content, or private content.

This is largely done by embedding an access code, or a URL, within an NFT smart contract, and only allowing the owner access to it.

There are three major problems with this:

  1. This is locked into the smart contract and static, meaning the URL or access code can not be changed or added to after minting.
  2. The URL or access code can easily be pasted and leaked, as there is actually no security protecting it or ensuring only the NFT owner can access it once it has been copied and shared.
  3. If a NFT is resold, the original owner, who may not own the NFT anymore, can still have access to the URL or access code because of the two points above.

So how can we lock dynamic web 2.0 content and ensure only an NFT owner can access it?

Luckily there is a really simple solution that allows anyone to lock any file or URL behind an NFT or smart contract lock, which can then only be accessed by people who hold that NFT (or really any Ethereum based token or coin) in their wallet as a “key.”

Check out LOQI.

It allows you to easily paste in a URL, or upload a file, and specify which smart contract can be used as the “key.”

This also allows you to lock multiple ongoing content drops behind a single NFT. For example, if you have a fan NFT, you could regularly upload new content and generate new locks that can be unlocked only by people who have that NFT in their wallet. This is a great option for musicians or any content producers. You could even lock a whole file directory behind an NFT and upload new content to that, and selling (or giving away) an access NFT on any marketplace.

The sky’s the limit and really depends on what you want to share and what you need to lock. But in short, you can lock any web 2.0 URL or any file behind any Ethereum smartcontract and gate access to only those people who own that smart contract. You don’t even need to be the smart contract owner, so even if you’re a member of a community, you can create content drops for other community members and holders with a click of a button.

So check it out,


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