How does it feel to write my 50th Medium Article

Source Node: 926815
Henrique Centieiro

It’s been quite a journey! Writing for Medium and actually, get people to read what you write… it’s not easy at the beginning. However, just like for almost anything else, consistency is the key!

Now, after writing my 50th article, I start to collect the crops that I’ve planted months ago. The audience is growing, the number of followers is growing and the number of publications sending me messages to publish with them is also growing.

I’ve decided to do zero promotion of my articles because… let’s be honest, I don’t have a huge social media following and basically, if I share my articles on Twitter I will probably have 1 or 2 people clicking my article. Saying this, I’m only relying on organic growth and traffic that comes from Google searches.

I don’t really write about super hyped topics. My articles are usually quite technical and they won’t make the editor’s choice of the biggest publication on Medium. However, I do write about the best technology in the world: Blockchain. A technology that is changing the world and that almost everyone will use, just like almos everyone uses the internet!

My top 5 articles by views:

The “Cryptography series”:

The Consensus Mechanisms:

The NFTs:


Keep tuned!


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