to sponsor Bitcoin 2021

Source Node: 870148

See you there?

We’re excited to announce that we’re a sponsor of Bitcoin 2021, the first live crypto conference in over a year. It’s been quite a while since members of the crypto community have been able to gather in person, and we’re excited to engage with you all next month.

Bitcoin 2021 (June 3–5) will bring thousands of crypto enthusiasts from all over the globe to one spot: Miami. After an isolating year for many, we’re thrilled to attend the first crypto event since the COVID quarantine and the historic bitcoin bull run.

During this exciting time for crypto, we can’t wait to finally join everyone live as we celebrate industry milestones, hear from community leaders (including Michael Saylor, Jack Dorsey, Senator Cynthia Loomis, and more!), and usher in the next wave of crypto adopters. CEO, Peter Smith, will take the stage twice during the conference. Catch his live panel on the crypto lending market during Whale Day on Thursday or his keynote presentation Friday. It’s certain to be a great set of conversations, speakers, and events.

Throughout the conference, be sure to come say hi at our booth. We’d love to chat all things bitcoin,, careers, products, and more. If you’re looking to connect with our BD, Institutional, or Ventures team during the event, shoot us a note at

Get your sunglasses and sunscreen ready. We’re going to Miami. 🕶


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