na świecie Konopie indyjskie: Adams Lee, Vince Sliwoski on the Simply Trade Podcast

Two of our international cannabis lawyers, Vince Sliwoski (business) and Adams Lee (international trade), recently joined the Simply Trade podcast for a lively discussion on the international cannabis trade. You can hear that free-ranging, informative conversation at either of the following links: As explained in the Simply Trade show notes: This episode explores the complex legal and regulatory landscape surrounding cannabis trade, with a focus on importing, exporting, and conducting cross-border business. Experts Vincent Sliwoski and Adams Lee break down the nuances of federal vs. state laws, and provide guidance

Co obejrzeć w 2024 roku

Ilustracja: Akcje SAG / Shutterstock Wszystkie oczy zwrócone są na Anne Milgram, szefową Agencji ds. Walki z Narkotykami, Anne Milgram w 2024 r., a branża ma nadzieję na przełomowy rok pod względem zmiany harmonogramu i wyeliminowania sekcji 280E Kodeksu podatkowego. Ale nawet jeśli przeważy pogląd pesymistyczny i w ciągu najbliższych jedenastu miesięcy nie nastąpi żadna istotna zmiana polityki, nadal będzie mnóstwo powodów do podekscytowania nadchodzącym rokiem. Innowacyjność we wszystkich sektorach rośnie pomimo działania sił zewnętrznych. Niektórzy hodowcy wkraczają w coś, co może być kolejnym skokiem ewolucyjnym w przypadku triploidu

Ireland Government Approves a Nine-Month Delay on Konopie indyjskie Legalization Vote

Ireland Government Approves a Nine-Month Delay on Cannabis Legalization Vote | High Times Total 0 Share SEO Powered Content & PR Distribution. Get Amplified Today. PlatoData.Network Vertical Generative Ai. Empower Yourself. Access Here. PlatoAiStream. Web3 Intelligence. Knowledge Amplified. Access Here. PlatoESG. Carbon, CleanTech, Energy, Environment, Solar, Waste Management. Access Here. PlatoHealth. Biotech and Clinical Trials Intelligence. Access Here. Source:

Prokurator generalny Teksasu pozywa 5 miast w związku z dekryminalizacją marihuany

Texas Attorney General Sues 5 Cities Over Weed Decriminalization | High Times Total 0 Share SEO Powered Content & PR Distribution. Get Amplified Today. PlatoData.Network Vertical Generative Ai. Empower Yourself. Access Here. PlatoAiStream. Web3 Intelligence. Knowledge Amplified. Access Here. PlatoESG. Carbon, CleanTech, Energy, Environment, Solar, Waste Management. Access Here. PlatoHealth. Biotech and Clinical Trials Intelligence. Access Here. Source:

Legalność marihuany w Ameryce Łacińskiej: zmiana transformacyjna

By: Juan Sebastian Chaves GilIn recent years, Latin America has been shaken by a significant change: the legality of marijuana. This debate has triggered a series of events that have radically transformed the region. Join me on a journey through the different approaches and regulations of marijuana in different Latin American countries. Uruguay: The Pioneer A small country in the far south of South America was the pioneer. In 2013, it became the first country in the world to fully legalize the cultivation, sale and consumption of marijuana. The bold

Rasistowska grafika generowana przez sztuczną inteligencję w Fortnite Epic

Epic’s popular battle royale game, Fortnite, has found itself in a pickle due to a huge amount of AI-generated user artwork that depicts certain racial stereotypes. The gaming community has raised concerns, highlighting how the game makers have been silent on the issue and slow in providing better content moderation to the platform. AI-generated images perpetrating common stereotypes attached to Africans, Mexicans, Arabs, and Indians are a common feature on the gaming platform. The misused flexibility Since gaining popularity for its battle royale mode, Fortnite has developed into a flexible

Więcej stanów domaga się zakazów stosowania syntetycznych kannabinoidów

Photo: Quality Stock Arts / Shutterstock PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota lawmakers are joining a growing chorus of state governments and federal agencies taking action against unregulated cannabinoids synthesized from hemp. Intoxicating hemp-derived products like delta-8 vape cartridges and so-called “hemp delta-9” products are presumed legal under the 2018 farm bill in 22 states and Washington D.C., but they are largely unregulated. Consequently, the resulting multibillion-dollar market lacks the kind of consumer protections built into cannabis laws in legal states. While some states have moved to regulate synthetic cannabinoids in

Ascend uruchamia CO-LAB na rzecz równości społecznej

NEW YORK – Ascend Wellness Holdings, Inc., a multi-state, vertically integrated cannabis operator, launched the next evolution of its social equity program, ‘Ascend CO-LAB for Social Equity’. To celebrate, Ascend will unveil the Ascend CO-LAB for Social Equity “takeover” at its stores throughout the month of February, Advertisement featuring limited-edition merchandise and the launch of its “Round-Up” program. 100% of the proceeds from the exclusive merchandise will directly contribute to supporting the initiatives of the Ascend CO-LAB for Social Equity. Further, through the “Round-Up” program, customers can choose to round-up their