Waarom goedkope boodschappen het antwoord zijn op stijgende voedselprijzen

Bronknooppunt: 1596537

Reach savvy shoppers with grocery liquidation…

In dit artikel behandelen we:

  • Why the cost of food is going up
  • What discount grocery stores are
  • How grocery liquidation pallets can help

Problemen met de toeleveringsketen have touched just about every industry. From apparel, electronics, and toys to groceries and pet foods even! Shoppers have seen empty shelves and “out of stock” messages since the start of the global coronavirus pandemic. But now, shoppers are seeing their grocery bills creep higher and higher. Food-at-home prices climbed a whopping 6.5% over the last 12 months, while the cost of eating out of the home rose 6% in the last year.

Manufacturers like General Mills and Kraft Heinz are announcing price increases to compensate for the rising inflation, expensive oil prices, and freight costs. Grocers like Kroger are upping their prices where it makes sense to do so and Aldi is apologizing for product delays. Restaurants face the same issue as key ingredients are victim to inflation as well, such as Dammen en rally's, Domino's Pizzainvestering veilig is en u uw kans vergroot op dollar-slice joints in New York. While food manufacturers and grocers increase their prices, these extra costs are being picked up by everyday consumers. And research firm IRI indicated that food prices will continue to rise an overall 5% in the first half of 2022.

The good news is grocery resellers and discount store owners can purchase deeply discounted pallets of grocery liquidation on B-aandelenmarktplaatsen. These savings get passed onto shoppers looking for ways to extend their grocery budget and ride out these rising food costs.

What’s causing the cost of food to go up?

Food costs are going up as consumers experience the fastest inflation rate increase in decades. In fact, prices are increasing overall, according to the consumer price index. Supply chain issues and labor shortages are just two contributing factors.

Phil Lempert, editor of SupermarketGuru.com, said, “growers are yielding less corn and soy to feed farm animals, which is having a downstream impact on the price and availability of meat, eggs, and dairy products.” The highest price increases are hitting grocery items such as meats, poultry, fish, and eggs. Snack foods, produce like oranges and lettuce, and breakfast meats like sausage and bacon aren’t exempt from the price increases either.

Let’s break down a few reasons for these rising food costs:

COVID-19 varianten

Omicron, the highly contagious COVID-19 variant, has been sweeping through the U.S. With workers getting sick and unable to come in, there are fewer hands on deck to keep store shelves stocked. This also extends to food production, manufacturing, shipping, and distribution as well.

Tekorten aan arbeidskrachten

In een enquête uitgevoerd door Nationale Vereniging van Kruideniers, retailers and wholesale grocers reported operating their stores with 50% of their normal workforce. More and more workers are quitting their jobs than ever before. More than 4.5 million people voluntarily left their jobs in November 2021.

Problemen met de toeleveringsketen

Trucking and shipping are also other reasons that deliveries are taking longer or being canceled. There’s also the added obstacle of extreme weather conditions, such as snowstorms and heavy rains, which have made it harder to transport food along normal routes.

Are discount grocery stores the answer?

While shoppers can buy cheaper foods and cut back on special treats like desserts or alcohol, there’s another option. Discount grocery stores—also known as salvage stores, bent-and-dent stores, grocery outlet stores, closeout grocery stores, and surplus grocery stores—are where shoppers can find groceries at deep discounts. You can still find name brand products within these discounted grocery stores, since inventory is coming directly from retailers.

There are many reasons grocery items get liquidated:

  • Over purchasing – When retailers buy more product than can be sold
  • Nearing closer to expiry date – Goods are close to their expiry date or past it
  • Beschadigde goederen – Produce that looks bruised, dented cans, etc.
  • Discontinued goods – Think seasonal goods like Halloween candy and products with formula updates

Store owners can source pallets of food and beverage from online liquidation sites such as the ones B-Stock operates. This is where you will see retailers and manufacturers offloading their overstock and other liquidation groceries. Resellers can take advantage of these grocery liquidation pallets by offering discount groceries to savvy shoppers looking to save money.

Browse Grocery Auctions

Start browsing grocery liquidation auctions today

In 2021, the number of grocery auctions grew 62% compared to the same time last year. As shoppers turn to discount grocery stores to remain within their budget, grocery liquidation sites can help. Any good that grocery stores need to offload can be liquidated and purchased by registered buyers. On B-Stock marketplaces, you can find grocery products like dry goods, canned goods, snacks, nutrition bars, seasonal foods, household cleaning products, personal care items, and more.

Lees zeker A Guide to Buying Grocery Liquidation before you bid on grocery auctions. Next, you will want to register and submit a valid wederverkoopcertificaat to the grocery marketplaces of your choice. If you’re looking for a wide selection of liquidation groceries to resell, check out Costco Liquidation Auctions, Liquidatie van doelveilingen, Unilever-liquidatieveilingen, Meijer Liquidation Auctions, KIND Snacks-veilingen, UNFI Liquidation Auctions en Amazon-liquidatieveilingen.

Source: https://bstock.com/blog/why-discount-groceries-are-the-answer-to-rising-food-prices/


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