WTL 2023 夏 - 第 7 週のまとめ/第 8 週のプレビュー

WTL 2023 夏 – 第 7 週のまとめ/第 8 週のプレビュー

ソースノード: 2706574

After a relatively uneventful Week 7 that saw the rankings stay completely unchanged, we're in store for a treat in Week 8. While I didn't go back and check the schedule for every season, this is easily one of the most entertaining regular season weeks in WTL history.

To start, we have a massive clash between two championship contenders in DKZ and ONSYDE, with Maru vs Oliveira being the opening bout. Then, PSISTORM will fight for their playoff lives vs TL, with new signee Spirit finally eligible to play. There's also a solid mid-table battle between Shopify and ABYDOS, with both teams looking to improve their playoff seeding.

On top of that, the matches that are less interesting on paper have some intriguing twists when you take a closer look. BASILISK might not be guaranteed to stomp Starlight Twinkle, RotterdaM will be making his WTL debut in that match. Also, iG vs Berserker is the darkly humorous 'who's finishing in last place?' match, which should be of great interest to the WTL's most devoted fans.

スケジューリングに関する注意: This week's games will be played on June 9th, June 12, and June 13th.


下位 2 チームは再出場資格を得る必要があります。

  • エースマッチを必要としないシリーズでの勝利のための3ポイント
  • エースマッチを必要とするシリーズでの勝利には2ポイント
  • エースマッチを必要とするシリーズでの損失に対して1ポイント
  • エースマッチを必要としないシリーズでの損失は0ポイント
インビクタス ゲーミング 1 - 5 バジリスク

XY はチーズを諦め、栄誉あるマクロ ゲーム™ でセラルと対戦してシリーズを開始することを決めましたが、彼の勇気は 0-2 の一方的な敗北で報われました。

BreakingGGも最初の試合でレイナーと真っ向から対戦しようとしたが、予想通りローチ戦争で負けた。 その後、第2ゲームでナイダス・チーズを試みたが、レイナーがそれを逸らし、0-XNUMXで勝利し、BASILISKが勝ち点XNUMXを確保した。

MacSed managed to salvage a map for Invictus against Trigger, taking the first game of their series by defending his fast expansion against Trigger's one-base all-in. Trigger took a map for himself to end the series, beating MacSed in a mid-game brawl between Gateway armies.

プラチナヒーローズ2 - 4 アビドス

モンドは0勝4敗の成績でこの試合に臨み、弱いプラチナ・ヒーローズのチームに対してアビドス・ポイントを失う弱点となる可能性があるように見えた。 しかし、モンドは今回は力を発揮し、シャダウンに対して1-1で今季初のマップ勝利を収めた。

Mondo got his win immediately, beating ShaDoWn on NeoHumanity with mass Hydra-Ling-Bane before his opponent had sufficient splash damage. Game two followed a peculiar pattern, with Mondo starting off with a Speedling cheese but still somehow finding himself in a late-game standoff fifteen minutes later. Ultimately, Mondo had to tap out to ShaDoWn's golden armada, as he couldn't transition out of his Lurker-based force in time.

Creator then took a 2-0 over Goblin to put his team on match point. Game one was a dizzying Blink-Stalker duel, with both players constantly putting themselves in weird, semi-basetrade situations. Creator was just a bit faster and more decisive with his movements, which gave him the victory in the last of these exchanges. Creator closed out with defense in game two, holding his fast expansion against Goblin's one base Stalker all-in.

NightMare finished the job for ABYDOS by taking a win against DnS on the very next map. The two played an action-packed game on Gresvan, where DnS's proxy-Robo led to much early skirmishing. NightMare came out ahead in those trades (Disruptors!), and was able to compound his lead and force the GG. DnS got himself a tie in the final game, successfully defending against a Cannon + proxy Gateway rush.

チームリキッド5 - 1 バーサーカー eスポーツ

エースプレイヤーのクレムがリキッドのポイントポジションを獲得し、スパッツ戦で2-0のスコアを決めて試合をスタートさせた。 スパッツは自身のアデプトハラスメントを試みたが失敗に終わり、10 匹のヘリオンに 2 個のプローブを失ったため、スパッツは最初の数分でゲーム 0 が終了しました。 スパッツは第XNUMXゲームでプロキシ・ゲートウェイ・ハラスメントを狙って倍増したが、クレムがこれをかわしてXNUMX-XNUMXで勝利した。

SKillous は、Glaive-Adepts とのシリーズ第 XNUMX 戦を制し、続く Zealot の攻撃でチームを DIMAGA 戦の勝利寸前に導きました。 しかし、古風なザーグは第 XNUMX 戦を取り、サイ ストームスを顔面でタンクし、真のスワーム スタイルで SKillous を破り、なんとかチームを生かし続けました。

It seemed like Papi had a chance to continue the comeback against MaNa, as he took the lead in game one after holding off MaNa's proxy-Robo cheese. However, he dealt with MaNa's follow-up Immortal drop very poorly, which allowed MaNa to win with an unusual, one-base, two-Robo all-in. With all three points in hand, MaNa took a final win for the road to keep Liquid at #3 in the standings with a +17 map differential.

オンサイド ゲーム 4 - 瘦死骆驼 (飢えたラクダ) 2 個

注: このシリーズの実際の試合順序は、上に示したスケジュールされた試合順序とは異なります。
Ryung と TooDming は当初シリーズの第 2 試合でプレーする予定でしたが、スケジュールの調整により 0 人が放送のトップに移動しました。 Ryung は両方のマップでバンシーハラスメントで早い段階で先制し、ゲーム XNUMX でマリンタンク、ゲーム XNUMX でバトルメックを続けて XNUMX-XNUMX で勝利しました。

In a surprising twist, Ryung's 2-0 actually ended up being quite important for ONSYDE as Maru gave up his first map loss of his season against Firefly. The plucky Protoss stole a map off of Maru in an extremely close basetrade, where his Blink-Stalkers raced Maru's 3-Barracks Marine-Marauder in a destruction derby. While the finish was tight, the lack of Medivacs helped Firefly's Blink-Stalkers barely prevail in the end. Maru got his tying point very quickly in game two, going for a series of proxy-Starport Hellion/Mine drops that completely ravaged Firefly's economy.

ソーラーはオラクルとストーカーの攻撃を阻止し、ローチとラヴェジャーで反撃して第XNUMXゲームを奪い、シアンとのシリーズを締めくくった。 Cyan は Glaive-Adept の優れたプレイで最終マップを勝ち取りましたが、ONSYDE がすでに勝ち点 XNUMX をすべて獲得していたため、それは精神的な勝利にすぎませんでした。

スターライトトゥインクル 1 - 5 ドラゴンKaiZiゲーミング

Oliveira got his team off to a strong start with a 2-0 over Cham. Game one was a fairly one-sided beatdown, with Oliveira's bio mopping up Cham's Roach-Ravager army. The second game got a bit hectic after Cham forced a basetrade, but the superior firepower of Oliveira's bio won out once more.

herO は、彼の代理であるスターゲイト オラクルがニースを完全に不意を突いて大ダメージを与え、ニースに対してチームをすぐに 3 対 0 で勝ち取りました。 ニースは、ダーク テンプラーの高速技術で彼女を驚かせたのと同じようなやり方でポイントを奪い返しました。

ダークは第XNUMXゲームで大量ムタリ​​スクでプロトスを粉砕し、リホワイトとのシリーズ勝利を確実なものにした。 その後、最終マップでスコアを上げ、Nydus-Queen-Ling のオールインですぐに勝利しました。

Shopify 反乱 4 - 2 PSISTORM ゲーム

Shopify ace ByuN got his team going by taking down Gerald on NeoHumanity in game one, winning with heavy 3-Barracks pressure while holding off proxy-Oracles. Gerald survived for longer in game two, but ultimately couldn't keep up with ByuN's multi-directional bio attacks and surrendered another GG.

SpeCial started his match against Lambo by channeling ByuN, opening with 2-Barracks and transitioning into non-stop Marine pressure. However, Lambo was held strong on defense, and eventually overpowered SpeCial with his superior tech and economy. SpeCial attempted to go for his signature BC-into-mech in game two, but Lambo had it scouted every step of the way. After defending against harassment and establishing a powerful economy, Lambo ruthlessly busted through SpeCial's defenses before they could be fully entrenched.

That left MaxPax to pick up a rather empty 2-0 victory against Scarlett to finish the day, wielding the 'herO style' Stalker-Oracle strategy expertly in both games. Still, if PSISTORM somehow pulls off a late-season run to make the playoffs, these map points may actually end up mattering.

週間MVP: (ウィキ)SR。ランボ

第 2 週には 0 勝 7 敗の結果がたくさんありましたが、そのほとんどすべてが明らかに本命と有力な劣勢の間でした。 私がやや挑戦的だと考えたこの試合で勝利を収めたのは、2-0 で勝ったチームの 2 人だけです。それは、Lambo 対 SpecialCial です。 確かに、ランボはこの試合に向けて中程度の優勝候補であり、私も 0-2 で勝つために彼を選びました。 しかし、この週は0-XNUMX以上の素晴らしい成績がなかったので、ランボにうなずかざるを得ませんでした。

I did briefly consider giving Firefly the award for stealing a 1-1 against Maru, but I'm pretty reluctant to pick 1-1's over 2-0's. Also, the Camels ended up earning 0 points from the match, and it was hard for me to reward what was ultimately just a moral victory.

週間 MVP:

  • 第7週: SR.ランボ
  • 第 6 週: DKZ.herO
  • 5週目:Liquid`Clem
  • 第 4 週。PH.DnS
  • 第 3 週: SSLT/瘦死骆驼/Starving Camels の全員
  • 第 2 週: ABYDOS.Cure
  • 第 1 週: BASILISK.Serral

プレビュー: レギュラー シーズン 8 週目

09 月 12 日金曜日午後 00:00 GMT (GMT+00:XNUMX) マッチ

ONSYDE Gaming vs Dragon KaiZi Gaming

ONSYDEは(クランクがプレーした一週間を除いて)毎週マル-ソラール-リョンという固定の選手オーダーでプレーしてきたので、DKZがマルと対戦するためにオリベイラを送り出したことは何を考えていたのか不思議に思う必要がある。 6 月以降のすべての結果は、ほとんどの人が IEM カトヴィツェについてすでに考えていることを裏付けています。それは、オリベイラにとって生涯に一度の奇跡の走りでした。 それでも、DKZとオリベイラがこの試合を選んだのには理由があるに違いない。おそらく彼らは、世界チャンピオンがXNUMXSL勝者に対してまだ心理的な優位性があると考えているのだろう。

私はMaruが2-0で勝つと思うので、SolarとherOがシリーズの本当のスイングマッチになるはずだ。 Solar は一貫して 2023 年の最高のオンライン プレイヤーの 1 人であり、herO は一時的に調子を落としたものの、ここ数週間は非常に良いプレーを見せています。 WTL の設定で絶対的に成功する 1 人のプレーヤーの間の対戦では、XNUMX-XNUMX の結果が最も可能性が高いと思います。

The final match favors DKZ quite heavily, with Dark playing his best match-up against Ryung's clear worst. My 'bold' prediction here is that Ryung is going to all-out cheese against Dark, and whether or not he successfully hides his proxies will decide if he can steal a map.

Ultimately, I think a 3-3 tie is the most likely result in the initial three series, which would send us to a very exciting ace match. Both Maru vs herO and Maru vs Dark have the potential to be very entertaining, especially with Gresvan being pre-set as the ace map. I'm going to give Maru the slightest edge in a BO1, out of deference to his 6SL title and 13-1 WTL record.

予測: ONSYDE Gaming 4 - 3 ドラゴン KaiZi ゲーミング

Team Liquid vs PSISTORM Gaming

Following their loss to Shopify last week, PSISTORM are now five points below the playoff cutoff with matches against TL, ONSYDE, SSLT, and Berserker remaining. You don't have to go through all the match combinations to realize that this is a MUST WIN match if PSISTORM is to have any hope of making the playoffs at all.

PISTORM にとって幸いなことに、新しい署名者の Spirit がついにプレイする資格を得ました。 ポーランド人のテランは、2023年にキャリア最高のStarCraft IIでプレーしており、一時移籍停止に入る前に8勝3敗の戦績を残したWTLでもそれが示された。

The transfer means Spirit is actually playing SKillous for the second time this season, with the two players fighting to a 1-1 draw during the SLT vs TL match. I don't think Spirit can settle for that result this time—he needs a 2-0 for PSISTORM to feel good about their chances.

The second match is a real puzzler, with Namshar making his season debut against Elazer. Gerald and SpeCial might not be in great form, but I have to think there were some outside-the-game circumstances for PSISTORM to reach so deep into their bench. The randomness of ZvZ might give Namshar a chance of stealing a 1-1, but a 2-0 Elazer win is the outcome I'm picking.

MaxPax vs Clem is a fantastic match to potentially end this series, with Europe's best Terran going up against its best Protoss. MaxPax has had a slight edge against Clem in head-to-head matches as of late, but the Aligulac.com odds still see them as being close to even. While I'd love to see this extend into an ace match and be decided in a pseudo-BO3, I think Liquid will be able to end things earlier with a 4-2 victory.

予測:Team Liquid 4 - 2 PSISTORM ゲーム


09 月 12 日金曜日午後 00:00 GMT (GMT+00:XNUMX) マッチ

Shopify Rebellion vs ABYDOS

ABYDOSは依然としてWTLで最も混乱したチームのXNUMXつであり、トップXNUMXのラインナップをフル戦力で保有しているにもかかわらず、それを展開することをまったく拒否している。 モンドはDRGに代わってベンチに戻るが、エースのキュアはXNUMX週連続で欠場となる。 そしてそれでも、彼らはShopifyからいくつかのポイントを奪うという大丈夫なチャンスを持っています。

Lambo versus DRG is basically a dead even match in my eyes, and I'll predict a 1-1 while knowing it could easily swing 2-0 either way. If ABYDOS somehow gets some points out of this match, it will be because DRG rolled high and got the 2-0 on the day.

The ByuN vs. NightMare match-up is the key advantage Shopify have, with TvP monster ByuN being heavily favored to win in a 2-0. NightMare is cunning enough to occasionally steal maps off stronger players in PvZ, but I just can't see him pulling it off in PvT.

Harstem vs Creator is the PvP mirror image of Lambo versus DRG, where I arrive at a 1-1 prediction as a middle ground amid the chaos. In the end, I'm predicting Shopify to win off the strength of ByuN in TvP, but the two mirrors could easily complicate things.

予測: Shopify 反乱 4 - アビドス 2 個

スターライトトゥインクル vs バジリスク

When ONSYDE Gaming's Crank made his WTL debut, he did it in the safest way possible against the winless Berserker eSports. RotterdaM and BASILISK are being a bit more daring, deploying the caster/captain/Protoss against the 2W-5L Starlight Twinkle.

While Solar and Maru had to rescue ONSYDE from Crank's 0-2 start, RotterdaM might be able to hold his own here. Unlike Crank, he's actually played some official tournament matches this year, and he managed to go 1-2 against Creator, 1-1 against goblin, and 1-2 against MaxPax in PvP. While he's definitely the underdog against Nice, a 1-1 tie isn't out of the question.

Of course, you expect Reynor and Serral to clean up with 2-0's if RotterdaM stumbles out the gates. However, you have to remember that Reynor hasn't completely beat the 50/50 allegations yet, and a ZvZ against Cham could be surprisingly tricky. I can definitely envision a scenario where Rotti goes 0-2 to start and Reynor goes 1-1 against Cham, costing BASILISK a point.

予測: スターライトトゥインクル 2 - 4 バジリスク

13月12日火曜日午後00時(GMT)(GMT + 00:00) マッチ

インビクタス ゲーミング vs バーサーカー eスポーツ

This is the highlight match of the season for a particularly perverse group of fans, as it's very likely to decide who suffers the ignominy of finishing in last place.

Three of the players involved in this match have zero map wins so far: Mixu (0-6), Spatz (0-10), and BreakingGG (0-12). Surely (hopefully), they'll all get a win on the board here?

In what might seem like a surprise, I'm going to give Berserker the slight edge due to DIMAGA. Sure, his 2-6 record is worse than iG ace MacSed (5-9), but I've been impressed by the quality of his play in straight-up macro games against strong players.

予測: インビクタス ゲーミング 3 - 4 バーサーカー eSports

プラチナヒーローズ vs 瘦死骆驼 (Starving Camels)

The Camels currently stand at #6 in the rankings due to hugely overperforming against the stronger teams in the WTL—this week we'll see if they get the job done against an opponent they 'should' beat.

This match is awfully hard to predict, largely because of the pair of PvP's that start things off. DnS vs. Cyan and goblin vs. Firefly are essentially coin flips, though perhaps I'd give Firefly a slight edge purely based on vibes (the dude is just really good in WTL, man).

ShaDoWn vs TooDming はプラチナ ヒーローズが明らかに有利な試合だと言いたいのですが、TooDming は 5 勝 5 敗という不可解なほど良い WTL シーズンを送っています。 全体として、私は理論的にはヒーローの方が少し好きですが、定量化できず理解できない WTL バフがあるため、キャメルの側に立つ必要があります。

予測: プラチナヒーローズ3 - 4 瘦死骆驼 (飢えたラクダ)


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