

ソースノード: 3089201

Nightingale, the upcoming gaslamp fantasy game from Inflexion Games, will get a server stress test this Friday, 2nd February. It’s a one-day only affair – if that – running from 6pm to 9pm UK time (1pm to 4pm Eastern).

を持っているプレイヤーをランダムに選択 以前にテストにサインアップした 1時間前にゲームへのアクセスの受付を開始します。その後、他の人もバッチでプレイするよう招待されます。繰り返しますが、これはランダムなので、Steam からのメールに注目してください。

“Our goal is for all players who signed up for the test to be able to participate. How quickly that happens will be dependent on how the test progresses,” Inflexion , explaining it will granting access in waves to assess how servers handle large amounts of players logging in at the same time and the developer’s ability to rapidly scale up in response.

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YouTubeビデオのカバー画像ナイチンゲール |発売日トレーラー |ゲームコム 2023


During this test, those participating will enter a “tailored version” of Nightingale’s early game experience. This means no tutorial and a nice upgrade to tools and gear.

Testers will also have access to a variety of already unlocked recipes. Infexion said this will be “the equivalent to what a Realmwalker can earn approximately 10 hours into a typical playthrough”, and will provide a little taster of what is in store further down the line.

Eurogamer’s own Nightingale, one Mr. Ed Nightingale, went hands-on with the game last year. You can read his thoughts in Eurogamer’s Nightingale preview here.


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