

ソースノード: 2560126

リモートレイドパスにいくつかの懸念される変更が加えられると、プレイヤーは ポケモンGO 終わりは近づいています。

With the price increases made for the Remote Raid Passes, many players feel that springing this change out of nowhere onto them is a breach of trust, and thus feel insecure about the game's position in the near future.

Nevertheless, below is some of the leading information about why we don't think the game will shut down this year.

Pokémon GO is most likely not going to be shut down during this year. Despite the changes made to Remote Raid Passes, there is sufficient evidence to support the fact the game won't be vanishing from our phone screens this year.

The most significant reasoning to believe that the game will not shut down is the wording present in the blog post made yesterday by the Pokémon GO Team, which reads "We feel this is a necessary step toward our goal of preserving and improving the unique experience of playing Pokémon GO—a game we hope you continue to enjoy long into the future."


もうXNUMXつの証拠は、はるかに具体的ではありませんが、Pokémon GOとポケモンスカーレットとバイオレットの接続が先月末の大きな瞬間であるため、パルディアンポケモンをゲームに追加することは明らかであり、時間がかかることです.つまり、ゲームは近い将来、間違いなく問題ありません。

ブログ投稿を完全に読むために、プレーヤーはそれを見つけることができます こちら, from the game's official website.


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