The decision to go for an indigenous ISTAR comes after the air force cleared the acquisition of more indigenous ‘Netra’ early warning and control aircraft to its fleet. As reported, six additional aircraft are planned to be acquired by the air force as part of a $1 billion plan to add force multipliers in the air force reported エコノミック·タイムズ.
戦場の状況や国境の緊張に関するリアルタイムのフィードバックを提供する ISTAR プラットフォームの必要性がますます高まっています。 ISTAR プラットフォームは、無人航空機 (UAV) と併せて、国境を越えた敵資産の追跡、信号情報の収集、敵のレーダーと防空位置の特定を可能にします。
The decision to go for an indigenous ISTAR comes after the air force cleared the acquisition of more indigenous ‘Netra’ early warning and control aircraft to its fleet. As reported, six additional aircraft are planned to be acquired by the air force as part of a $1 billion plan to add force multipliers in the air force.

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