デルの創業者は、SHODAN スタイルの知覚 AI について「オゾン層などのことはすべて覚えているので、落ち着いてください」と述べていますが、私たちはそれを修正しました

デルの創業者は、SHODAN スタイルの知覚 AI について「オゾン層などのことはすべて覚えているので、落ち着いてください。私たちはそれを修正しました」と述べています。

ソースノード: 3055605

私たちは AI の誇大広告の時代に生きており、誰もが意見を持っています。しかし、私たちのほとんどは、超予測テキストの台頭が人間の創造性や批評にとって何を意味するかについて若干の懸念を抱いている一方で、シリコンバレーの一部のタイプの人たちは汎用人工知能 (AGI) について心配しています。これは基本的に深刻な響きの用語です。知覚力と、潜在的には人間の血に対する抑えられない欲望を備えたAIを自己教育するためです。あるいはその類のもの。

しかし、デルの創設者兼最高経営責任者(CEO)のマイケル・デル氏は、心配する必要はないと言う。最近では 仮想炉端チャット 資産管理会社バーンスタインと(発見者) 登録), Dell said that he worried about the advent of AGI “a little bit, but not too much.” Why? Because “For as long as there’s been technology, humans have worried about bad things that could happen with it and we’ve told ourselves stories… about horrible things that could happen.”

That worrying, continues Dell, lets humanity “create counter actions” to prevent those apocalyptic scenarios from playing out before they happen. “You remember the ozone layer and all,” said Dell to Bernstein’s Tony Sacconaghi, “there are all sorts of things that were going to happen. They didn’t happen because humans took countermeasures.”

Dell (the man) went on to say that Dell’s (the company) AI business was booming. “Customer demand nearly doubled quarter-on-quarter for us and the AI optimized backlog roughly doubled to about $1.6 billion at the end of our third quarter,” beamed Dell (the man again), which—and I write this as someone for whom ‘literally GLaDOS’ ranks low on the list of fear priorities—does seem like the kind of thing a tech CEO would say in the prologue to a film about AI killing everyone.

Regardless, Dell reckons you shouldn’t be worried about the robot uprising any time soon, because humans are just that good at recognising and heading off problems before they occur. Except for that climate change thing and the 私たちの血液中のナノプラスチック, I guess. Oh, and the fact that we didn’t start fixing the ozone layer until there was already a gaping hole in it (that won’t be fixed until 2040, or 2066 if you happen to live in the Antarctic). If you’ll permit me a bit of editorialising, which I guess I’ve already been doing, that feels like reaching the right conclusion for the wrong reasons. 

For my money, you shouldn’t worry about AGI because it’s a spooky story well-off tech types dreamt up to hype up the capabilities of their 実際の AI tech and because it’s a much neater and easier tale to cope with than the things which are really scary about AI: the potential for the decimation of entire creative industries and their replacement by homogenous robotic sludge. Plus, the possibility that the internet—for all its problems, a genuinely useful repository of human knowledge—becomes a great library of auto-completed and utterly incorrect nonsense of no use to anyone. 

After all, I’ve already reached the point where I append most of my Google searches with “Reddit” to make sure I’m actually getting human input on whatever problem I’m facing. And that’s a much trickier problem with much more profit-threatening solutions than is the bogeyman of HAL 9000.


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