Podcast | Proteggere le catene di fornitura digitali dagli attacchi informatici

Podcast | Proteggere le catene di fornitura digitali dagli attacchi informatici

Nodo di origine: 3087799

No question about it: This is the age of the digitized supply chain. Companies are eager to toss out wasteful and inefficient manual processes, in favor of digital systems. But for all its advantages, the transformation has one disconcerting drawback: It makes supply chains more vulnerable to hackers and cyber thieves. Anytime that data is placed on a network, it creates doors that can be unlocked by bad actors. So how can companies embrace digitization and strong cybersecurity at the same time? We get answers from two executives with Aquiloni, the private content network for digital communications: Patrick Spencer, vice president of corporate marketing, and Tim Freestone, chief marketing officer. Drawing on the findings of a 2023 Kiteworks survey of corporate executives, they share specific and detailed tips on how to shore up modern-day supply chains in an increasingly digital world. Hosted by Bob Bowman, Editor-in-Chief of FornituraCatenaCervello.

Mostra note:

Kiteworks’ 2024 Previsioni for Managing Private Content Exposure Risk.


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