Hennessey Performance progetta Dodge Demon da 1,700 cavalli - Autoblog

Hennessey Performance progetta Dodge Demon da 1,700 cavalli - Autoblog

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So let’s say you’re an owner of una Dodge Challenger Demon 170. Hai appena comprato la fabbrica definitiva sfidante con compressore, motore e trasmissione aggiornati e produce più di 1,000 cavalli con etanolo E85. Ma tu vuoi andare ancora più veloce, what do you do? Well, Hennessey Performance is planning to have a 1,700-horsepower solution, though it arguably won’t be a Demon anymore.

Vedi, mentre Hennessey a volte aggiorna i propulsori di fabbrica, the company will be taking a different approach to the Demon 170. It will instead remove the engine, transmission and driveshaft, and substitute its own take on an upgraded V8 (details on the block, internals and more haven’t been revealed yet) and drivetrain. That V8 will also get a pair of Precision 7675 turbochargers. Hennessey expects to make 1,700 horsepower on E85 ethanol, and be able to do the quarter-mile in under 8 seconds at around 175 mph. That’s around a full second and 25 mph faster than the standard Demon 170.

Cosa succede alla trasmissione originale? Schivare ha dato il Demone? Bene, il proprietario potrà tenerlo tutto, quindi può essere facilmente rimesso a posto se lo si desidera e/o per mantenere il valore da collezione. Quindi hai ancora un Demon 170 originale, ma anche uno molto più veloce.

Dodge Challenger Demon 170 prima delle modifiche Hennessey

With that said, while the Demon 170 isn’t ad appena la super Hemi sovralimentata - ha modifiche allo stile e alle sospensioni per gestire la potenza - è una specie di cuore e anima di quell'auto. In un certo senso, se vuoi apportare questo livello di modifica, avrebbe più senso iniziare con un Challenger più comune e basilare?

But we don’t have the money to own a Demon 170, let alone Hennessey’s Demon 1700, so that’s not up to us. And surely there are a few people out there that like the idea of having even more powerful Demons. The company is counting on 12 buyers liking the idea, since that’s all they’ll be building. They’ll be handled by a new division at the company called Hennessey Special Operations that will build low-production special models (15 to 20), as opposed to the rest of Hennessey that apparently builds more than 500 vehicles a year.

The conversion will cost $200,000, and the owner must supply the car. Exact timing on deliveries hasn’t been given. In base al video dell'annuncio, Hennessey only recently got its own Demon 170, so it’s likely still doing some development work. In fact, the photos in this post are of the as-yet unmodified vehicle. But interested buyers can contact Hennessey about ordering one right now.

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