John McClane di Die Hard ha preso in giro Call of Duty: Warzone

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The 1980s action movie heroes are coming en masse to Warzone. After this week’s tease that Rambo verrà aggiunto al Battle Royale, Activision has indicated Die Hard’s John McClane is on his way, too.

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Activision ha persino creato un file sito web per una società fittizia di riparazioni di condizionatori chiamata Nakatomi Duct Cleaning, che offre i suoi servizi a Verdansk.

The website says “A NAKATOMI CORP DIVISION MASTERING A/C DUCT CLEANING SINCE 1988”, but the current Warzone map is set in 1984. Nah… I’m applying too much logic to Call of Duty here.

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Nakatomi Corporation is of course the company McClane’s wife, Holly Gennaro, works for, and Nakatomi Plaza is the Los Angeles high-rise office in which poor old John finds himself battling against Hans Gruber’s goons.

What should Warzone fans expect? A lot of Rambo and John McClane skins running around Verdansk, that’s what.

So, we’ve got a Rambo crossover and a Die Hard crossover. What next? Chuck Norris?



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