Il settore spaziale commerciale cinese dovrebbe competere a livello globale entro il 2030: rapporto dell'intelligence statunitense

Nodo di origine: 2002091

Negli ultimi anni, la Cina ha fatto passi da gigante nel settore spaziale commerciale. Secondo un recente rapporto dell’intelligence statunitense, la Cina dovrebbe competere a livello globale entro il 2030. Questo rapporto non sorprende, poiché la Cina ha investito massicciamente nell’industria spaziale negli ultimi dieci anni.

In the past few years, China has launched multiple satellites and spacecrafts into space, including the Chang’e 4 mission which successfully landed on the far side of the moon in 2019. The country is also planning to launch its first space station in 2022, and is expected to send a manned mission to the moon by 2030.

Il governo cinese ha anche investito molto in società spaziali private, come iSpace, Galactic Energy e OneSpace. Queste aziende stanno sviluppando razzi, satelliti e altre tecnologie legate allo spazio che aiuteranno la Cina a competere con altri paesi nel settore spaziale commerciale.

In addition to its investments in private companies, China has also established the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA). This organization is responsible for overseeing the country’s space activities, and it has been actively promoting the development of the commercial space sector.

The U.S. intelligence report states that China’s investments in the space sector have allowed it to develop a competitive edge over other countries. The report also states that China’s space industry is likely to become a major player in the global market by 2030.

China’s advancements in the space sector are impressive, and it is clear that the country is determined to become a major player in this industry. With its investments in private companies and its establishment of the CNSA, China is well-positioned to compete on a global level by 2030.


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