96. Come FUD dalla schiena di un'anatra

96. Come FUD dalla schiena di un'anatra

Nodo di origine: 2622070

Colin and Sara are joined by a host of brilliant guests this week to talk about the latest and greatest news in blockchain, including:

  • Aman Kohli, CTO of Banking and Cap markets UKI at DXC Technology
  • Isabel Woodford, Reporter at The Block
  • Richard Crook, Director at LAB577

First up, we take a look at Project Libra. Facebook's long-rumored stablecoin will be at the center of a brand new payments network and is in discussions with payment networks Visa and Mastercard. The group discusses whether Facebook could be the Metro Bank or Monzo and asks if there's a strong enough use-case for the coin at all (02:16).

Next we talk about SIX’s planned digital exchange going live with a native token and an “initial digital offering” (IDO) service in 2020. By 2021, they expect the SIX Digital Exchange (SDX) to be tokenizing traditional securities such as equities, fixed income and funds, provided the regulatory set-up is in place. Our guests ask if the token was made just because everyone else was doing it (11:30).

We also have a great Tweet of the Week from @VladZamfir on calling Ether money.

Altre storie includono:

  • Fidelity Will Offer Cryptocurrency Trading Within a Few Weeks
  • Regulators Ready to Approve Ethereum Futures
  • NY Attorney General’s office alleges “substantial evidence of fraudulent conduct” at Bitfinex and Tether

Tutto questo e molto altro nell'episodio di Blockchain Insider di questa settimana. E perché non inviarci i tuoi migliori tweet? Vedi se riesci a ricevere un messaggio per lo show!

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L'episodio di Blockchain Insider di questa settimana è stato prodotto da Laura Watkins e Petrit Berisha. A cura di Alex Woodhouse.

Special Guests: Aman Kohli, Isabel Woodford, and Richard Crook.



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