Laptop AR ini memberi Anda layar tanpa batas tanpa memilikinya

Laptop AR ini memberi Anda layar tanpa batas tanpa memilikinya

Node Sumber: 2661947

One of the biggest banes of trying to get work done on a laptop is the single screen setup. If you’re used to dealing with multiple monitors, being reduced to one can be incredibly limiting, having to switch apps constantly rather than immediately having all the information required on screen. The rise in work from home has seen solutions to this problem start cropping up, but the AR screened Spacetop has got to be one of the coolest ones yet.

Spacetop bisa dibilang merupakan laptop jenis baru. Alih-alih menampilkan layar dan keyboard dalam konfigurasi clamshell, Spacetop adalah pengaturan keyboard dan kacamata berukuran penuh yang memberi Anda layar sebanyak yang Anda inginkan. Rasanya seperti fiksi ilmiah, tapi Kabel (terbuka di tab baru) recently went hands on with the device and it looks to be one that’ll work very nicely with our current reality. 

The setup weighs less than 1.5 kgs and is by no means a gaming laptop, but the technology could be great for PC gamers further down the line. In its current form the Spacetop’s keyboard has good connectivity including two 10Gbps USB Type-C, both of which support 65W fast charging and DisplayPort 1.4 for connecting an external screen. That’s in addition to a 3.5 mm headphone jack, Bluetooth, 5G, and Wi-Fi 6 connections.

But the idea is you probably won’t need to do that with the included AR goggles. While a bit silly looking, these give you 1080p resolution per eye and let you have basically as many screens as you like. It’s reportedly pretty intuitive and easy to configure and move them around, as well as clear enough to easily read text and the glasses are said to be comfortable to wear. You can even get them with prescription lenses, which is a huge relief for daily glasses wearers like myself.

But the Spacetop itself is a fairly bare bones machine. It’s running a bespoke OS, which sounds a bit like a Chromebook in action. Basically any webapps should work just fine which makes it great for things like emails, working in Google Docs, YouTube, and reading your favourite articles on PC Gamer. I’d love to see it try out some game streaming or actual gaming too, but it looks like the Prototipe kacamata augmented XR (terbuka di tab baru) kami mencoba mungkin masih merupakan pilihan yang lebih baik untuk itu.

Paket ini sedang dikembangkan oleh Terlihat (terbuka di tab baru) dengan bantuan dari pembuat kacamata AR NReal dan Wistron, merek yang terkenal bekerja pada laptop Dell dan HP. Saat ini, Spacetop hanya tersedia untuk dibeli melalui program khusus undangan (terbuka di tab baru) dan akan membuat Anda mengembalikan $2,000 untuk hak istimewa tersebut. Sightful ingin menargetkan pengguna awal yang antusias dan dapat membantu membentuk produk dengan masukan, jadi jika Anda ikut serta, beri tahu mereka bahwa kami menginginkan ini untuk bermain game.

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