Sebuah jet tempur Sukhoi Su-30MKI milik Angkatan Udara India harus melewati penghalang penahan untuk menghentikan pesawat karena perlambatan yang tidak memadai yang dialami oleh pilot akibat hambatan teknis pada hari Senin, kata IAF.
The incident, which basically involved the use of a speed control technique, took place in the morning at the Air Force Station in Lohegaon in Pune after a routine training sortie, and a probe has been ordered. Wing Commander Ashish Moghe, IAF Public Relations Officer (PRO), said, “Today, a Su-30MKI of the Indian Air Force engaged the aircraft arrester barrier at the Air Force Station, Pune.
The event occurred after a routine training sortie, following inadequate deceleration experienced by the pilots, on the landing roll due to a technical snag. Engaging of an arrester barrier gear is a planned activity for stopping of a fighter aircraft.”
The runway, which was closed for sometime, was made operational again, he said, adding a probe has been ordered into the incident. The Pune international airport is a civil enclave operating from the IAF station at Lohegaon. It is a base for the IAF’s frontline Sukhoi aircraft.

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