Inilah 11 menit uji teknis koboi battle royale Grit dalam aksi Grit battle royale

Node Sumber: 794418

I’m always happy to see another cowboy game—aside from Red Dead, I don’t think I’ve played one since 2009’s Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, which was a delightfully over-the-top shooter. Recently I spoke to the developers of Grit tentang rencana mereka untuk battle royale barat yang liar, and in Grit’s technical test today I played a few hours of their very early version of the game. It definitely feels incomplete, and will hopefully look and run better by the time it enters Early Access sometime this year. There were a few things I liked in this early version, though.

The best thing about Grit is its dust and smoke. Well, not the giant dust storm that serves as the battle royale circle—that’s pretty bland. But I really like how firing Grit’s weapons emits big puffs of smoke, serving as a glaring indicator of where you are. It’s a nice, natural way to trace whoever’s shooting at you. The same goes for horses: if you ride at full speed, your horse kicks up a big dust cloud that’s visible from very far away. Slow down to a trot, though, and that cloud dissipates, letting you travel a bit more stealthily.

Grit juga terdengar bagus. Senapan benar-benar mengaum, dan Anda dapat mendengar suara kuda berlari melintasi ngarai dari jauh. Dunia saat ini terasa terlalu sunyi dan tak bernyawa, namun suara pemain lain yang bergerak dan menembak dari kejauhan berhasil menjual suasana barat yang lama.

I wouldn’t say the few hours of Grit I played were a lot of fun—it’s hard to get a good sense for the feel or pace of the action when most matches in the technical test topped out at about 20 players on a map built for 100. If you aren’t interested in the development process, I say wait for Grit to hit Early Access before saddling up.


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