Jangan biarkan kartu grafis chonk Anda melorot atau mungkin benar-benar mati

Jangan biarkan kartu grafis chonk Anda melorot atau mungkin benar-benar mati

Node Sumber: 2582396

Dimana akan semakin meningkatnya sikap gajah terhadap kartu grafis modern yang mengerikan Nvidia RTX 4090 (terbuka di tab baru) akhir? Tampaknya di GPU mati. Seorang teknisi perbaikan komputer Jerman telah melaporkan bahwa papan Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti sekarang sering rusak karena tekanan yang disebabkan oleh kendurnya kartu grafis di soketnya.

KrisFix (terbuka di tab baru) (Via Tom's Hardware (terbuka di tab baru)) says that some of the card’s memory chips can suffer from failing solder points due to the board flexing under heavy sag in the PCI Express socket. It’s the chips located nearest the socket that fail because that’s where the board bends the most.

Cards that fail in this manner can be repaired, but re-balling and soldering the memory chips isn’t excatly a straight-forward DIY job.

The better option is preventative measures and happily that’s actually pretty straight forward. One easy option is an anti-sag bracket which many larger graphics cards do indeed include in the box. 

Opsi lainnya adalah a pemasangan kartu grafis vertikal (terbuka di tab baru) that allows you to rotate the board through 90 degrees and remove all the stress. Either that or let’s all return to those clever landscape PCs of yore, you know the ones in beige boxes, and forget all these silly tower PCs and their sagging GPUs.

If you’ve been running a big old card without support don’t immediately panic. RTX 2080 Ti cards are now over four years old, so it takes a while for the stress of hanging from a socket to cause failure.

Tetapi jika Anda memiliki model terbaru, katakanlah salah satu model yang sangat besar RTX 4080 (terbuka di tab baru) dan 4090 rakitan, yang saat ini tergantung pada soket di rig menara, akan lebih bijaksana untuk mencari semacam dukungan lebih cepat daripada terlambat.

Jika ada, membeli kartu bekas bisa jadi lebih mengkhawatirkan. Seberapa besar tekanan yang dialami kartu seri RTX 30 berusia dua tahun itu?

Semua ini adalah alasan lain mengapa kami menyukai yang baru Nvidia RTX 4070 (terbuka di tab baru). It’s a sensibly sized thing, an actual graphics card, not some oversized beast that seems to have grown out of all proportion to the original intention or specifications of the PCIe graphics slot.

We should note for completeness that there’s no particular reason to assume these board stresses are unique to Nvidia. AMD has its own line in huge graphics cards, including the latest Radeon RX 7900 XT dan XTX (terbuka di tab baru) models. We’d be taking just as much care with those as larger Nvidia cards, that’s for sure.

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