एआरबी फॉल्स के रूप में 'चिकन एंड द एग' समस्या का हवाला देते हुए आर्बिट्रम वोट का पुनः प्रयास करेगा

एआरबी फॉल्स के रूप में 'चिकन एंड द एग' समस्या का हवाला देते हुए आर्बिट्रम वोट का पुनः प्रयास करेगा

स्रोत नोड: 2559969

Arbitrum’s newly-launched ARB token sank over the weekend as the network navigated a governance crisis stemming from the apparent failure of its DAO’s first vote. 

At first, Arbitrum signaled the vote was essentially meaningless, and then changed course on Sunday amid mounting pressure.

The leadership behind the Ethereum scaling solution had announced earlier this month that it was forming a decentralized autonomous organization or DAO, which coincided with the launch of a governance token named ARB.

The token’s value comes from its role within the ArbitrumDAO. People who own ARB are allowed to play a role in shaping the network’s future by voting on proposals, such as एआईपी-1, which outlines the structure of the DAO itself and its associated Foundation.

However, more than 78% of ARB tokens cast in AIP-1’s proposal have voted against the measure, as of this writing. Initially, an Arbitrum कर्मचारी named Patrick McCorry explained that AIP-1’s proposal was meant as somewhat of a formality.

“We believe that a lot of the negative sentiment around AIP-1 was driven by confusion around the notion of AIP-1 being a ratification and not a request,” Patrick McCorry लिखा था एक ब्लॉग पोस्ट में। "एक चिकन और अंडा [मुद्दा] है जिसे एक नेटवर्क को विकेंद्रीकृत करते समय हल करने की आवश्यकता होती है, और AIP-1 का बिंदु उन सभी निर्णयों के बारे में समुदाय को सूचित करना था जो पहले से किए गए थे।" 

Since the measures outlined in AIP-1 have already been implemented, the community’s opposition and votes against the proposal appeared to be moot. 

But late Sunday, Arbitrum said it would break AIP-1 down into separate parts that would be voted on individually, effectively pulling a U-turn after critics spoke up.

AIP-1 का एक तत्व जिसने सबसे अधिक छानबीन की है, वह है आर्बिट्रम फाउंडेशन को 750 मिलियन ARB टोकन का आवंटन, सेवा प्रदाताओं की प्रतिपूर्ति, और इसकी प्रशासनिक और परिचालन लागतों को कवर करने के लिए।


McCorry’s post included a justification for the figure that compared similar decisions of other networks. He added that the Foundation has already “begun to use these tokens in the interest of the DAO, including conversion of some funds into stablecoins for operational purposes.”

Arbitrum then clarified on Twitter that the total amount of ARB converted into stablecoins was around $10 million.

In its thread on how AIP-1 would be divided into distinct proposals, Arbitrum later said its Foundation had “no near-term plans to sell more tokens” and reprised its claim that the organization “only sold enough to fund its current operating expenses.”


Arbitrum said it also plans on proposing measures to address transparency concerns regarding how the tokens allocated to the Foundation could be spent.

The price of ARB fell as far as $1.15 or 11.5% on Sunday before edging back up to $1.19 amid the network’s about-face, according to CoinGecko. ARB is currently the 41st largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization with a total value of around $1.5 billion.

Arbitrum ने 23 मार्च को अपने नए ARB टोकन को प्रसारित किया, और एक Dune के अनुसार, 1 से अधिक डिजिटल वॉलेट द्वारा 550,000 बिलियन से अधिक ARB का दावा किया गया था। डैशबोर्ड

आर्बिट्रम ऑफचैन लैब्स द्वारा निर्मित एथेरियम के लिए एक स्केलिंग समाधान है। इसे एक अलग नेटवर्क पर संसाधित करके एथेरियम लेनदेन को सस्ता और तेज़ बनाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है और फिर उनकी रसीदों को थोक में एथेरियम में वापस भेज दिया गया है।

The proposal of AIP-1 was created by Lemma LTD, which McRorry said is one of a “few different service providers” the Arbitrum Foundation is working with to “bootstrap itself and be in a position to properly serve the DAO.”

क्रिप्टो समाचारों के शीर्ष पर रहें, अपने इनबॉक्स में दैनिक अपडेट प्राप्त करें।

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