Read_712 - Prismes de foudre [DerGigi]

Read_712 - Prismes de foudre [DerGigi]

Nœud source: 2016217

“One aspect that is still massively under-utilized is the programmability of Bitcoin. While simple things like scheduled payments and automated payment splits do exist, we are undoubtedly still trapped in conventional thinking when it comes to the flow of sats.

I’d like to share a simple idea that was shared with me a couple of months ago in the hopes that it will spread far and wide and, in the best case, that someone will just go ahead and implement it. (Or a better version of it.)

Here is the idea…” – DerGigi

Check out the article at the link:

And send any tips to if you want to split between Gigi and Mr. Kukks.

Mr. Kukk’s Nostr Pubkey: npub1y24gz5gwucl79vtv4ctwpysl0r5m4xyzu2rgulnr44ks3t5mt92q4nz2ad

DerGigi’s Nostr Pubkey: npub1dergggklka99wwrs92yz8wdjs952h2ux2ha2ed598ngwu9w7a6fsh9xzpc

Guy's Nostr Pubkey : npub1h8nk2346qezka5cpm8jjh3yl5j88pf4ly2ptu7s6uu55wcfqy0wq36rpev

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