En fuite avec John McAfee

En fuite avec John McAfee

Nœud source: 2022372

John McAfee was without a doubt one of the most controversial guests we’ve ever had on this show. We got to interview him six times before his death, and we wish he was still around for a seventh go-round. 

But in lieu of that, the next best thing would be to speak with someone who was with McAfee while he was on the run from authorities.  Alex Cody Foster is that guy.  You may recognize him from the blockbuster Netflix special “Running with the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee”. 

Today he discusses his time with John, the insane situations he found himself in and how he has documented it all in a new book.

This episode has many Van Halen references so you’ll want to keep count of them on episode #654 of The Bad Crypto Podcast.

Notes complètes du spectacle sur : http://badco.in/654


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