Jeu de la semaine : le mélange de Dave the Diver entre le fixe et le procédural est la recette du succès

Jeu de la semaine : le mélange de Dave the Diver entre le fixe et le procédural est la recette du succès

Nœud source: 2829048

Years back I spent a happy afternoon in No Man’s Sky just stood on a single spot. This is ridiculous, I know: No Man’s Sky’s selling point is the moment you launch yourself from a planet’s surface, up into space, through the twisting ether and then down onto the surface of another planet without taking a breath. It’s a game about movement, and about leaving a place to know that you’ll probably never return to it.

Quoi qu’il en soit, cet endroit unique se trouvait dans une station spatiale, et c’était juste à côté de la zone où les vaisseaux spatiaux entrants et sortants aiment se garer. J'étais essentiellement dans un garage spatial à regarder les voitures aller et venir. Sauf que j'étais en orbite autour d'une planète et que les voitures étaient des vaisseaux spatiaux.

And they were all beautiful. No Man’s Sky’s ships are modular, I think, and as I waited for most of the afternoon, I got to see these modular treats in all their forms. Some were squat little bugs. Others were sharp, needle-nosed darts. Some were beautifully symmetrical, others had weird lumps and protrusions and jets and fans where I wasn’t expecting them. They were all wildly charismatic.


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