Recherche et éducation en matière de financement participatif en actions

Recherche et éducation en matière de financement participatif en actions

Nœud source: 3084007

Vous comptez sur Crowdability pour vous proposer les meilleures offres de démarrage. Comptez maintenant sur nous pour vous apporter les histoires et les tendances les plus fascinantes du monde de la technologie. Vous ne trouverez pas ce genre de choses dans la presse grand public. Cherchez-le tous les vendredis matin.

Are You Rich Enough to Buy This TV?

This TV costs more than most cars, even some homes. But if you’ve got the cash, it might be worth it. Voir par vous-même "

RIP Self-Checkout

It’s hard to shop these days without being forced to use self-checkout. Are you frustrated with the experience? If so, we have some good news. Découvrez ici »

This 13-Year-Old Just Kicked Your Butt

Did you play “Tetris” growing up? For thirty-five years, this video game was thought to be unbeatable — but then a certain middle-schooler decided to play »

Why Are These Teslas in a Graveyard?

Sub-zero temperatures have wreaked havoc on electric vehicles, so much so that drivers are creating car graveyards. What’s going on? »

The Strongest Man in the World — A Senior Citizen

A man in Ireland baffled scientists when he matched the strength of bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger. But it’s not just his strength that’s so impressive — it’s also his age »



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